Remove Lockers Near Vaults/Pallets

Simple suggestion to improve both the Survivor (and sometimes) Killer experience: Please remove any locker that is currently next to a vault, pallet or other actionable object so that neither the Survivor nor Killer accidentally input a Locker action instead of the other action.
The most problematic ones are on Thompson House and Nostromo Wreckage. Especially Thompson House, where the nasty scoop lockers exist.
All you need to do is either remove them or move them to another location entirely, or make a priority to where they CAN'T spawn so close within those areas (like maybe 4 meters or something). Would really improve the gameplay in such a small way.
yes please. It feels terrible falling for this as survivor and quite cheap if I play killer and someone goes locker instead of window.
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I would agree, but i think most of the troublesome lockers were placed specially to give dredge more teleportation...
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I don't think that's true. There are terrible locker-dead-areas in a lot of maps (like headonfield center to name something) - and yet, there are lockers right next to vaults that ruin the game? Why? (but if we go off topic here - there could be a few more lockers for dredge players on quite a few maps - some spots on some maps are just terrible)
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1+ i was a very upset person recently
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what about dredge? his nightfall ability is all about using locker's? locker are pretty good next to loops because they give opportunity to use deception perk but issue is that deception is kinda weak perk that nobody uses and that perk desperately needs buffs.
the locker and vault problem is likely a problem with hotkeys. going into a locker and vaulting being same key interaction can cause some unintended misplays on survivor end. one locker that made me once make that mistake is locker on RPD 2nd floor room that has those two pallets.
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Is this cause you guys are spamming the drop pallet button from like 6m away?
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Survivors that crawl near windows should be instantly teleported to a hook /s
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Sure. There are multiple solutions. Rebinding keys is absolutely acceptable alternative.
As for removing lockers from loops - nobody is asking for it. Just move them a little bit away from pallet/window. Most (all?) loops are large enough to fit locker, window and pallet on their own spot without risk of doing unintended interaction (which is already the case with window vs pallet).
Nope. I remember I had this interaction 2x in a row, because locker and pallet were literally 2m away from each other (and I was in the middle) - it was super hard get close enough to pallet to not go into locker. I don't remember the map, but I think it was Gideon (I can absolutely be wrong though). What I do remember is, that it was specifically pallet vs locker
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Grim pantry’s main building is pain for some locker + vaults RNGs… so annoying.