The Midchapter name should be the " fun update "

I mean, no more facecamp (rip bubba, my tactic tactical is nerfed !), skull merchant, finally ... playable :) ?
I don't know what's next, but ... that's really really good
Sounds like less reason to play Killer but I’m sure there are enough Killer players to compensate
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Dude, the PTB gonna be full of skull merchant who facecamp xD
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Oh no, i will be so upset to lose Chess Merchant and Camper Bubba players.
I can't live without them.
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Alright. Now you've done it. Now I'll play SM on the PTB and facecamp every hook.
How do you feel about yourself?
Bubba will never stop camping you. That's how he shows you his love.
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Bubba will remain the best camper in the game.
He will just be standing a bit further away. That's also the best way of effectively playing basement Bubba from what I've seen.
Sadly this also makes Chestdefender Bubba severely more difficult.
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Good for you if you’re still positive about it.
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Bubba really doesn't care about Endurance.
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Insidious Bubba after anti-camping mechanic
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We don't know if the things they teased are coming in this mid chapter or at some later point. I think BHVR get a lot of unfair criticism (their updates are generally better than people give them credit for) but teasing something and then not having it fully ready for the mid chapter does seem like something a lot of companies could accidentally do
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With luck (should the PTB include the anti-camp mechanic) there will be a lot of face-camping during the PTB. The more data that can be extracted through people testing it will give valuable direction as to how to implement this in the most efficient way possible.
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More likely, OnlyBlights update. Or Queue Long update. Or, Extra Bad Matchmaking update.
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There was the PTB with basekit Unbreakable and a mori finish if you down all 4 ppl. That never got integrated.
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Not sure where the thought of "facecamping bubba is going away" is coming from. Double Chili bubba is faster than the movement speed you get from unhooking. He's not gonna give a damn about this change.
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And rightly so. The PTP should be used as a massive stress test to a new design element or mechanic and testing it out under the most extreme of situations to see if it is robust enough to be released into the wilds.
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Even if the face camping changes make it to live, Bubba will still find a way to face camp. He's one of the few killers in the game who can just ignore Endurance.
Also good riddance to Snooze Merchant. Hopefully her rework will be good.
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I'm cautiously optimistic about the SM changes. The Sadako rework pushed her power level up very nicely. On the other hand, Singularity is still in need of a number of buffs (probably more like EMP nerfs) to be viable in high end play. I'm really hoping they can make a version of Skull Merchant that killer players can actually enjoy playing.
I'm a little concerned about the facecamping update being abused, and how the devs are going to safeguard against that. I do think that they decided to take a little more time to work out the kinks, since the Anniversary Stream suggested they were originally going for an August update.
I actually think the biggest make or break for me in this update is going to be what they do with MFT, if anything. It's one of the most frustrating perks in the game to play against, yet I don't see how to properly balance it without completely reworking it. I'd honestly be fine with a rework, though. I just want to be able to play M1 killers again without worrying about matchmaking with a MFT squad.
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I believe BHVR's stance though is that was never meant to go live at the time: it was a test of an idea they'd like to implement, but the plan was not for it to go from PTB to the full game.
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it needs to hurry the hell up because i cant wait any more. i REALLY hope this is the "fun update" because i want to play laurie again, but the vaults feel so terrible and i hate running resilience. face camping hopefully becoming less common will help solo Q tremendously, and the SM rework will help a ton funwise, and i really hope some perks are looked at like MFT, just hopefully make the game more fun because it is by FAR the most BORING it has ever been for both sides because of bad teammates in solo Q along with tunneling, and for killers the amount of sweaty MFT survivors is insane especially for M1 killers.
i just rlly hope they make the game more fun. maybe increasing the base gen regress speed from 0.25c/s to possibly 0.3c/s because it takes 360 seconds to fully regress a generator and that honestly is way too long, and base gen regression is too low. they also need to help Solo Q by making kindred basekit, and also allowing players to see the auras of exit gates when the last generator is completed. it would help SO much and it frees up a perk slot (i hate using kindred, but its necessary for solo Q).
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Dont want to be negative nancy, but bubba facecamping scenario is the only killer who wont be affected by this anti facecamp thing at all.
In short, it will make facecamping much harder for killers that arent bubba, which is funny af if you think about it