am i the only one who feels really anxious before playing killer?



  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    Just some things I want to clarify about the game.

    I play late at night specifically to find the bully squads, they're pretty much shut down because of flashlights being killswitched, but they very much exist otherwise. No one is seeing them on a constant basis, they're weaker than ever before, but they exist. Try a few trials in the wee hours once flashlights are back.

    When a team brings two purple trees, two purple coins, they're hoping to do some bullying. Saw that multiple times since the ks. You think they were hoping for some toolboxes to get the gens done faster?

    But I like that. It's just a game. Even though I don't like toxicity at all, sometimes a few a-holes make it that much more fun.