For the love of the Entity, please remove depipping (Except as a DC penalty)

I know I'm just adding my voice to a chorus at this point, but I felt the need to have my say anyway. Please, please, please remove depipping from the grading system.
I'm fine with keeping depips as a DC penalty, but there is otherwise no good reason for it to be a part of the grading system anymore.
It's not as if we are being awarded something of real value at the end of the month like Iri Shards or Rift Fragments, only Bloodpoints (which are not all that difficult to grind for in the game anyway). And it has no bearing on how the MMR system works. So why does depipping still exist? The grade system should be there to make you feel good after a decent game and to give you a little reward for playing at the end of the month. Nothing more.
This game doesn't have a functional SBMMR system at the best of times. When there's a 100% BP bonus in place for either side, it's effectively been disabled. Or any proper, viable solutions for unfair and unfun game play styles. I can take those kinds of regular frustrations on the chin and I don't mind queuing up for a one-sided slaughter, but when I lose all my pips in a session as well, it adds insult to injury and sours my experience of the game.
It's very common for me to go from 4 pips right down to 0 in a single session. This is not fun.
There is simply no need for this unnecessary source of frustration. Please change it soon.
Thank you.