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New Chapter Idea: Cursed Graves

Pauliewogger Member Posts: 17
edited December 2018 in Creations

Killer Appearance: Ragged mullet hair, scratched up and stitched leather jacket, torn jeans. As well as really bloodshot eyes and bruised hands.
Lore: Liam Chatterly was a very friendly young man, his grades were promising and his manners were certainly on par. Eventually, he took up a job right by a grave yard at a small diner. Every day he would go to work, go home, and hang out with his parents. One day, he tried to take a short cut across the grave yard since the sidewalk was pretty foggy. While he was walking through the grave yard, it got even foggier than the side walk, he heard whispers faintly whispering discernible chants. Eventually, he felt like he was going insane, then, he felt a sense of blood lust. He clenched his fist, and immediately stormed toward the graveyard's supply closet, he grabbed a shovel, and went to his neighbors house, his friend Chad was in the living room, and he took the shovel, and brought it down on him. Knocking him out instantly, feeling a sense of power, Liam smashed his head several more times. Chad's parents saw this and called the police, but when they arrived, Liam was nowhere to be found...
Power: Soul Sucker- When a match starts, 3 "Soul Safes" will be spawned around the map
When you down a survivor, a secondary action is unlocked called "Take Soul Fraction" which takes 1.5 seconds to perform, once completed, the indicator next to your power icon will show a 1, you can only hold up to a max of 2 soul fractions at a time. Once you have a soul fraction, once you hook the survivor that you harvested the soul from, their soul safe will be revealed via aura. If you go to that soul safe, you can complete a 3 second action called "Deposit Soul" and once you complete that action, the survivor who's soul you harvested will suffer from these effects:
-Mangled (while injured)
-Any item they are using consumes usage 15% faster
-Cannot cleanse any hex totems, but can cleanse dull totems
While a soul safe has a soul contained inside, it produces an eerie aura, any survivors within 30 meters of the soul safe suffer these effects:
-Skill Checks are 45% more likely to happen
In order to stop the effects of a Soul Safe, the survivor who's soul fraction is in the safe must go to the safe and complete the "Take Soul" action, which takes the same amount of time as healing a survivor.
In order to prevent the killer from camping the soul safe, if a killer is in a 30 meter range of the soul safe for more than 20 seconds, their aura is revealed and the suffer the hindered effect for 15 seconds.
Killer Add-ons:
Tarnished Oven-mitts (Common)-
Decreases the time to take a soul fraction by .5 seconds

Greasy Fry-cook hat (Uncommon)-
Decreases the time to take a soul fraction by .7 seconds

Durable Spatula (Rare)-
Once you down a survivor, automatically harvest a soul fraction without playing the animation (If you can hold one)

Empty Salt Shaker (Rare)-
Increases the amount of soul fractions you can hold at one time by 1

Bent Straw (Uncommon)-
Slightly increases the time it takes for a survivor to get their soul back

Employee Pin (Ultra-Rare)-
Can no longer harvest soul fractions. Range of negative afflictions of the soul safes increased by 45 meters. All soul safes provide negative afflictions without having souls in them. Decreases movement speed for the killer by 10 percent while in the range of a soul safe

Durable Gloves (Rare)-
Decreases the cooldown animation after hitting a survivor by .9 seconds while in range of an active soul safe

Killer Perks:
An obsession perk, your obsession can annoy you, time to get vengeance. While in a chase with your obsession, gain a token when you: Break 2 pallets, Get stunned by two pallets, or get blinded by your obsession. Once you gain a token, there is a 15 second cooldown before you can get another token. When you have 2 tokens you gain a 7/10/13% movement speed boost while in a chase with your obsession, when you have 4 tokens you get the movement speed boost while in a chase with your obsession, and the ability to vault windows 10/15/18% faster while in a chase with your obsession, each time you hit your obsession, you lose 3/2/2 tokens.
Grave Robber-
Survivors do not drop items on death, any time a survivor SHOULD have dropped an item on death, gain a token, each token you have is a 25% bonus in bloodpoints at the end of the match.
Any survivor within a 12/15/17 meter range of the hook a survivor was sacrificed on, they gain a 3/5/7% decrease in movement speed.
Vault speeds while outside of a chase are increased by 50/60/70%
Survivor: Levi James
Appearance: Frizzy hair with a stained T-Shirt with a skull and crossbones design on it, along with stiched up pants and worn shoes
Lore: Levi James was very poor in his adult-hood, but he always tried to give to the community as much as possible. one day, he got a fishy message from an "old friend" of his saying he could help him out, figuring he had nothing to lose, Levi marked the location down on his GPS and headed to the place they were supposed to meet, he took a few wrong turns, and ended up in what seemed like a never ending forest, his car broke down, so he went to what seemed like a small campfire starting in the woods, that was the last anyone ever heard of Levi James.
Sharing is Caring-
Dropping an item for a team mate to pick up increases the items efficiency by 50/60/70% for whoever picks it up.
"Ain't no point in being selfish out here, we got nothin' left but each other!" -Levi James
One Man's Trash...-
If a team-mate loses/drops an item during the trial, it's aura is revealed to you when standing in a 40/55/infinite meter range
"You know the old sayin'... something like "One man's trash is another man's treasure" or whatever..." -Levi James
While crouching for more than 10/5/3 seconds, auras of chests generators, lockers, and black locks are revealed to you within a 10/15/27 meter range.
"Trust me, I got what folks would call "eagle eyes", I can most likely find something to use to our advantage" -Levi James
Abandoned Graveyard:
A huge graveyard with sizeable memorial statues players can go inside to find chests, generators, and lockers
Map offering: Memorial Picture
Offering Description: The tarnished photo placed on a grave belonging to "Chad Burns"