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Help me pick my survivor main

Ok so I am almost dont P100ing my killer main and then I would like to do a survivor next. I don't mind which one i play too much so i figure I would just throw this post here and come back a week later and see who was said most.

I know most killers/survivors have a stereotype so I figure maybe I could go with one that fits my "survivor stereotype" best, so I will just leave an agressive amount of information about my play style.

I started playing when Myers was released, He was my main for awhile and i hit rank 1 the first month of playing dbd as killer on Myers. I playerd about 200 hours or so before i swapped to nurse (yes i know, ew a nurse main) and played about 2000 hours of just killer (about 90% of the games as nurse). I eventually swapped to survivor so I could play with friends and I started with BIll because 2/3 of his perks were top tier back then. When Yui came out i made her my main survivor and she was the only one i played. No reason in particular why i say she is my main other than the fact that she was my first prestige survivor to P3.

Before the big prestige update i had every single killer P3 with every single perk at rank 3. And every single survivor at P3 (only nea, yui, feng, nancy, and bill had every perk at max rank too. Pushed all survivors P3 for the borders)

When i play killer it is a big variety. I took a lot of breaks from dbd for my own sanity (which is why I still don't have any P100 but my nurse is P80 so I am close and ready to do a survivor but i want it to be my main). My favorite killers to play are Trapper, Billy, Leatherface, Demogorgan, Oni, Pyramidhead, Nemesis, Artist, Dredge, and Wesker. I didn't include nurse because I get bored with her quickly now since i played so much and the game is not a challenge in the slightest with her (not trying to brag, but with over 2k hours of just nurse, you tend to just win every game... I know, i know, she's overpowered and I 100% agree). I Play nurse a few games every time i do play or when survivors are demolishing me and i just need a game or 2 of winning. My killer play style is pretty basic. I don't tunnel or camp or slug. I find it boring and unfun, plus I play a lot of survivor too and it's such a pain seeing 70% of my games just a tunnel-fest... I'd rather make the game fun for everyone.

For survivor I play mostly Yui (just because she has the most items/offerings etc. I run mostly fun/gimicky perks and change my build every other game usually out of boredom of the same build all the time (I guess now i should mention i have bad ADHD) like autodidact/solidarity or some goofy OoO build etc. Back when dead hard was the god of all perks, i always ran balanced. I never liked dead hard, plus i always would dead hard on the ground... plus every killer expected dead hard so getting those balanced landing plays and making the killer wiff a swing because they didn't expect balanced is fun. Im a solid looped, not cracked out my mind though. I generally play the role of "team player" and do what is needed, i don't care if i have to gen jockey or mess with the killer, i tend to do it all at a decent rate. I don't t-bag or BM as either side and just want everyone to have fun HOWEVER i do get tilted fast when every game is a tunnel-fest, so then i play full meta at that point until the salt hits me and I go back to killer or quit for the night. I only play SWF when i play survivor (it's either just me and my gf OR me and her plus another mutual friend). We all goof around etc unless we face a nurse. Then i get yelled at to go play with the killer because I am the only one that can loop and outplay a nurse well on our team (prolly the 2k + hours of knowing how she works).

I used to be a killer main but as of late it is generally more survivor since I don't play much anymore (mostly due to developing carpal tunnel and being burnt out of the game and only play with friends)

I have about 5k hours of total play time and its about 65% total killer and 35% total survivor.

ANYWAY I went on a rant with (probably) useless information lol. So based off that, who should I work on P100 survivor after i finish nurse. (btw any skins that change you into another survivor arent included since I don't want to relaly throw money into the game since i hardly play it. I do have Claire though so she can be on the table) I also own every character so I should've said that. Anyway yeah... Even if you all meme and pick me something related nothing, I'll do it. soooo pick my main =D

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  • Member Posts: 7,792

    Claudette with SPCA Dog Shirt + Winter Hat + Winter Pants

  • Member Posts: 555

    I'm also a Yui main so I'm a bit biased but Yui or another survivor you like. Try one with nice cosmetics if you're into that like Feng has nice cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    If your killer journey started with Myers, maybe you should main Laurie? She's pretty uncommon, but she lacks cosmetics.

    Sheva could always use some rep. If I bought a skin with actual money, it would probably be Sheva.

  • Applicant Posts: 107

    Meg. Because Meg is Love. Meg is life. The OG meme character next to Dwight. Although... Mikaela and Kate have the coolest cosmetics imo

  • Member Posts: 862

    I know alot of people will pick the typical feng, nea, meg etc. Dare to be different. Im just gonna be honest here and i hope i dont sound too pushy. If i do, I apologize. But i would definitely just read up on basic lore on every survivor on the menu. Thats the best start to connect with your character. At the end of the day, these survivors are just skins with same stats etc. But they just look and sound different so go with anyone of your choosing.

    For me, I chose david as my first main because his lore and characteristics is built around team play and confrontational encounters which is my playstyle. Lately ive gone towards gabriel more now because sci fi is my fav genre and more or less looks like me. Overall its your choice.

  • Member Posts: 309

    since 80% of players main a female survivor I recommend Jeff

  • Member Posts: 1,198

    It depends what you want from the survivor. If you want outfits, well it's quite easy to see which ones to pick. Licensed survivors are cool but costly if you want different outfits for them but if you don't mind that, you can't go wrong with Cheryl, jill, or leon. Basically can play 3-5 different characters on each survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    if you want "competitive advantages", pick a silent survivor and look for skins that make footsteps quieter. otherwise just pick who you like, see their cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I will be bias here but Yui and Zarina are my recommendations. Both are beautiful women.

  • Member Posts: 510

    Go for Yoichi

    No one P100ed this dogshit survivor that only has few cosmetics (the cherry on the cake)

    Great pick πŸ™ƒ

  • Applicant Posts: 107

    Dude Gabriel's lore is wild. As much as I didn't care for HuX as a killer I grinded out that lore and it made me appreciate Gabriel's and his playstyle more. I forced myself to play Hux all weekend and I kinda like him now.

    Still not that great with him but I see the appeal now. The worst thing about his power is how disoriented It makes you

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    i'm also just getting into playing him and he's way more fun than i thought he would be and i'm actually getting better, i thought he would be another blight and billy for me; impossible to play.

    don't switch from pod to pod and instead switch to killer pov and select another pod, then pods' camera angles will be less confusing.

  • Member Posts: 223

    I went P100 on Haddie.

    After i finish getting pig to P100, im going Mikaela. The new skin is amazing!

  • Member Posts: 7,187

    If it ain't Dwight it ain't right πŸ˜‰

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    Felix because of Lederhosen

  • Member Posts: 8,266
    edited September 2023
  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Survivors are just re-skins of the same thing, so pick the one you think looks ok and roll with it.

  • Member Posts: 537
    edited September 2023

    Just go with whatever you like, I went with Mikaela simply because I love redheads

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Join me as the only other Jake main :D

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