Is Ultimate Weapon bugged?

Was this survivor baiting or its bugged i didn't know
I don't know if it's purposeful but when I scream against this perk my scream sounds like it's coming from somewhere else.
Tho not really a bug that's gains anybody an advantage?
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He's about the fact that this perk also works for survivors who are sitting in the closet, which was recognized as a bug and fixed in the ptb
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It actually is bugged, but its meaningless. It makes you scream in lockers as well, but who tf hides in lockers? Dwight?
What they wanted to say was "yOu bEaT mE aT a gAmE sO i mUsT fINd A wAy tO cOmPlAiN!"
Thats kinda how a lot of the DBD community is sadly.
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Its bugged in terms of survivors are screaming while inside of lockers. This is repaired in the PTB und comes live soon.
The perk is not disabled, so there is no problem in using it. If everything would be killswitched which is "currently" bugged, no one would play this game.