Linked Fire Moon Sets

Why are the Fire Moon Player for Feng and Fire Moon Engineer for Gabriel both linked sets? They aren't a license, so why can't they be mixed and matched? Feng's makes even less sense than Gabriel's, as at least Gabriel coat might be considered a hybrid chest and leg piece, but Feng just has a normal top, a normal leg piece, and a normal head piece.
Edit: Spelling
Linked sets is one of the few worst features to ever be added imo. the reason is so bumb. many non sets have clipping issues and its funny. If linked was a thing from the start i bet every single licenced cosmetic would be linked sadly and porb many more from the og cast.
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I Both love and hate silent hill liscense for this very reason...
bringing in the option of linked sets...
i have no doubt that if some of the pre silent hill outfits were released today they would be linked
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To be fair the robe on Gabe's would look weird if it was mix and matched with other stuff.
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Yeah, another collection I was looking forward too ruined by sets.
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Well more cosmetics I won't buy. Sets are dumb, especially if they clearly don't need to be linked.