can i disable auto aim?

auto aim is REALLY annoying and it isn't needed at all in my gameplay, and if anything, it actually prevents me from getting hits sometimes. i want to disable it but i dont know how, is it possible?
Yes, you can... perhaps.At least in the GameUserSettings.ini file (C:\Users \*your username/\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsClient) there is an item called Aim Assist, you can disable aim assist by changing the value true to false, but this is not accurate.
But if I'm not mistaken, the file path is different for egs, but I don't remember it, but I think you can easily find out
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so auto-aim is basically just aim assist?
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As an avid 4-speed perks Clown player, I swear it works. The difference is unmistakable when you do 180° turns during Coup lunges with +20% Haste. If I oversteer without autoaim, I hit the wall.
I have to admit that I turned it back on after a few weeks. I had to realize I miss more due to my lack of precision than autoaim.