P100 Reward Twitter Response

Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

Let me start by saying, no disrespect to BHVR, let's please keep the discussion civil. BUT I take genuine issue with this response to someone asking about P100 rewards:

As I have already detailed in another thread: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/383893/list-of-every-old-rift-cosmetic-not-added-to-the-store-with-pictures , there are like 100 different cosmetics from this games past rifts and other events, not even including legacy, that have left, never to be seen again.

Most of these were never made purchasable or earnable outside of their original window and based on statements from BHVR since, are never going to.

Since the games launch, the store has also been updated to cycle out season cosmetics like Christmas sweaters, which used to be available all the time, until their given time of the year arrives.

Prime rewards added and entire new host of cosmetics where only one, Haddie's, has seen a store release since.

AND finally, the rift was given an entire two extra pages dedicated to cosmetics that will never return once that particular rift goes away.

I don't even really care if they add P100 cosmetics, but how on Earth are P100 rewards, something that any player can earn at any time for free just for leveling a character FOMO, but stuff like the aforementioned magical vanishing rift cosmetics totally fine. There are already rewards for character prestige up to 9, are those not FOMO by that definition too?

If anything the cosmetics that never came back are infinitely more worse because they cost players actual money, either directly in price or to buy the Rift when it was happening. Do you not think the players who maybe couldn't afford the rift back then or maybe didn't even know the game existed feel like they missed out?

P100 rewards wouldn't go away, they would be earnable at all times, nobody would be able to miss out on them, not like the cosmetics that never came back. I am just really confused by the reasoning here.

EDIT: I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what I am trying to say, so I just wanna clarify.

I don't want P100 cosmetics, I understand why they don't want to add them, I agree that getting to P100 itself is the reward. I am not mad at anyone who wants them or doesn't want them or anything like that.

I just think the reason that they gave "not wanting people to feel like they have to do it, or not wanting people to feel left out" is a really silly reason to give in a game that already has SEVERAL exclusive cosmetics that cost actual money and have never returned.

To me it is like, okay, if you don't want people to feel like they have missed out, then you should bring back all of the rift cosmetics you haven't yet.

The TL;DR is like, if you don't want people to feel like they have missed, out, that is fine, that makes sense to me. But you should probably bring back all of the old rift cosmetics then, and make them available year round. Because having exclusive cosmetics will contribute to the exact thing you are trying to prevent by not doing P100 rewards.

Post edited by Dinoraptus on


  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,208

    Thank you for being civil. I didn't know about cosmetics disappearing, that is insane and totally unacceptable. I understand your frustration, I really do.

    With that said, I don't see what the two topics have to do with each other. I would personally like a P100 Survivor and Killer Charm, that's all.

    Please don't be mad at people wanting something for the grind, my guess is many of them are also unaware of vanishing cosmetics.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,364
    edited September 2023

    what they're saying is that they do not want people aiming for p100. P9 is attainable reward for most players. P100 is more of grind limit. the only players going to P100 are generally hard-core players that play every day and often play one character. I think P100 already has a reward. the reward is that you stay at max blood-webs. The skins they do not make anymore because shop tries to offer much better skins. what other reward would you want from p100? Tier 4 teachable perks on that character or 5 perk slots?

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I don't think they should reward and encourage people to waste bilion+ of BP just for some skin/reskin. Getting Prestige 100 is allready huge waste of time and is only "worth it" if you love that character and you don't care about getting add-ons for other Killers and having everyone with all perks max out.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    The number 100 is the reward in and of itself. Why else do people do it? BHVR never said there would be anything besides the number 100.

    I think FOMO is technically the right word to use since it's such an insane amount of time spent to get to P100. But I'd have preferred if they were more blunt and just said that spending literally hundreds of hours for one character is asinine, instead of trying to make it a FOMO angle. They could make the prestige limit 999 and people would still go for it. The main purpose was always to make teachables easier to get on characters, I don't think there needs to be a reward for going to 100.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Because it's simple. Behavior will not commit to dedicating resources that does not require transactional value for them. Why else do think they are OK with limited timed event skins in the shop. Mind you, every major event; lunar, anniversary and soon Halloween, will have had a Feng limited time shop skin for this year

    We know how bhvr works. They want money. This isn't new.

  • Kius
    Kius Member Posts: 140

    As much some people say "it's not pressure to get" what happened to legacy sets? or the red portraits? bhvr already plays with fomo far too much.. p100 is there to show that you enjoy that character or franchise so much that you made that massive commitment. I do understand why bhvr isnt doing anything for p100 and I think it's fine..

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2023

    I am not mad at anyone for wanting the reward, I just think the reason they gave is silly.

    I was around then, I remember people not wanting to prestige, I have been playing since 2019. There doesn't have to be a reward and I don't really want there to be anyways. But the reason BHVR gave for not doing it is so people "don't feel left out" and I think that is really dumb in a game that already has a ton of exclusive cosmetics that you had to pay actual money and have never returned since.

    Again, like I said in the post, I do not want a P100 reward. It is just dumb to not do it because they "don't want people to miss out" yet there are already skins in the game that people have missed and can never get again, like you are already doing the thing you don't wanna do in other avenues of the game, you know? The reasoning doesn't make sense.

    I agree with both of you, the thing that makes no sense is the reason they gave in the context of the game we are talking about. You know what I mean. I am going to add an amendment to the end of my post to clarify.

    The TL;DR is like, if you don't want people to feel like they have missed, out, that is fine, that makes sense to me. But you should probably bring back all of the old rift cosmetics then, and make them available year round. Because having exclusive cosmetics will contribute to the exact thing you are trying to prevent by not doing P100 rewards.

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254

    I understand why they aren't doing it also. I am saying like, in a game where there are hundreds of exclusive cosmetics already, that are arguably much more predatory systems because they cost actual money. Why would the reasoning be to "prevent people from missing out?" If you don't want people to feel like they have missed out, bring back all of the old rift cosmetics too.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,364

    the "don't want missing out" is referencing the obligation to grind to p100. when you make p100 reward, your creating obligation to grind to that reward. p100 is fine where it is at. the devotion system is more of arbitrary time number for how many hours you played. the reward for that system is that you get to unlock most killers and survivor perks for free if you spend a lot of time into the game. the only aspect that you do not get unlock is licensed perks but they have shrine of secret for that which admittedly has some issues with large amount of perks in the game.

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254
    edited September 2023

    Yes, I understand.

    But stuff like the rift battlepass also forces people to play for rewards, there is an equal obligation to get those skins or risk losing them forever, the same FOMO they are saying the P100 would cause, yet this is already in the game and has been for years in several forms and continues to get worse with stuff like the Deep Rift skins.

    They are saying it is bad in reference to the P100, which would be completely free and not timed, but not for the premium battlepass? It doesn't make sense.

    They are the exact same concept, again, I don't think they should have a P100 reward, but I do think they should be a little more consistent and apply the same reasoning to all other aspects of the game.

    If you don't want to cause FOMO, you should bring back everything people may have missed out on so they don't feel like they need to grind stuff like the rift or risk never being able to get those skins again. It is an identical concept to the P100 and them applying it to one but not the other is silly.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'd like to see the P100 Portrait removed and have it be replaced by an optional skin.

    Wanna show off your dedication? Sick, but yoj understand the consequences that may follow.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 408

    in my opionion the phrase ,,reaching p100 is the reward itself´``is stupid because it really isnt.

    Especially since prestige is forced now, you technically will get there at some point if you play enough.

    Not saying we need a reward there (i would still love tho) but we shouldnt see reaching p100 as a reward itself.

    Also alot of people actually want to remove/hide it anyway to prevent lobby dodging so whats the point

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 244

    Fair play to anyone who wants to be P100 but I have neither the time or inclination to do so.

    I really can't see the appeal of spending all you BP on one character.

    As I play killer I'd rather spend my BP on getting all killers to level 3 so all perks are playable at level 3 on every other killer.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,289

    I used to be amazed by their ability to miscommunicate / phrase things in a pretty bad, if not the worst, way. But it's happened so often now that I just shake my head.

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254

    I mean the benefits of having level 50 bloodwebs are pretty good I feel.

    Perfectly reasonable, yeah. Most people feel that way I imagine.

    Yeah I just don't get why of all things that is the reason they gave despite it already being an issue the game has. I guess you could say they are trying to not make it worse, but they are constantly adding exclusive stuff even now so idk.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    At the LEAST we should get a “100” charm or something.

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254

    I mean yeah, something small like that I think would be fine.