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The perfect P100 reward

Ezrel Member Posts: 5
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

“It'd be really cool to have a fancy reward for hitting P100, but at the same time, that's an insane amount of progress and we don't want people to feel like they're missing out by not hitting it, Prestige is ultimately meant to be a goal for people who have already done everything else, so we don't want to lock too much content behind it."

Quoting behaviour there,

So a reward that doesn’t make an insane impact like a flashy skin or title? Easy peasy, just make the p100 icon customisable. Getting a p100 icon is already a sought after thing, and it’s not like it doesn’t already look cool enough to want to obtain it. This just adds another way to express yourself in the game.

I’d suggest making the icon (almost) completely customisable by adding options like border type and colour. Obviously I’d still love to see a p100 king Dwight outfit.. but if that’s out of the question this would be good too.

ps. Please add a king Dwight crown. I’ll pay any amount of money.

yours formerly -King Dwight (Ezrel) (Ezrelek)

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