Who is your least favourite killer to go against?

I'm curious about what people think about different killers. Personally I find trickster to be the most annoying as if you aren't in a indoor map his blades are impossible to dodge. He's like a huntress who's had all the fun and skill required sucked out. I also hate Clown its just such boring gameplay and I cannot stand his laugh.
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Skull Merchant. That may change after next week but she's bottom of the fun pile to face right now.
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Definitely Huntress or Spirit for me, ofc SM if they're not leaving their 3 gens
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skull merchant. just 5 minutes ago I've finished a match where I gave a chance to a skull merchant and not quitting early and boy was I wrong to do so.
He tunneled me out of the game cos I dared to keep a chase for 2-3 minutes several times unharmed, until she eventually caught up to me. Then it was facecamp till 2nd phase, chase after me after unhooked and killed.
I cannot say that any recollection of mine about skull merchant players and their stlyle significantly differed. They are all terrible and toxic.
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Pinhead. As much as I like the film Hellraiser and his goofy voice lines, his game play has no redeeming qualities for me. Try to solve his stupid evil Rubik's cube, he teleports and you're dead. Or ignore it and face endless chain hunts until he finds you and you're also dead.
Luckily I rarely ever face him.
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Pig... all of the ones I went against just chase an active Trap
But then again I don't play Survivor that much
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Skull merchant is at the top, but has a change incoming.
In terms of killers who I don't think are anyway broken but I just don't like versing, Plague is at my top and Spirit would be after that.
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The Pig and The Ghostface. They jump scare you too much!
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Twins and Trickster
i main trickster. but i understand
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Skull Merchant and it’s not close. Even chase merchant is boring to me.
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Pryamid head is for me one of the most boring killers to go against his zoning just irritates me and most of them are tryhard sweats with no personality
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It used to be Chess Merchant. Now it will probably return to Wraith. For some reason I really don't like playing against Wraith.
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skull merchant, knight, and I’m really not a fan of wraith either.
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Trickster for sure, I agree. I also dislike Pinhead but not because of the killer himself, just because of how hard solo queue team mates make his games.
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Huntress and Wraith. Just a big no for me.
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Knight or artist. They have to be most of the most tone deaf designed killers this game has seen other than old skull merch
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Hag forever. Huntress because I get matched with her way too often.
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Artist is up there.
Never purchased or played as her, so idk, but sometimes those birds just fly exactly where you are, no matter how she stages them, and even target Survivors across the map, after scampering off in random directions, once she’s released them.
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It’s moreso just knowing you’re lobbied up with players who often routinely get destroyed by certain Killers, and you know it’s “probably gonna be one of those matches” as soon as it starts.
SoloQ creates more ‘least fav Killers to go against’ then there should be.
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Clown pretty much an abomination all way around so him
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My main gripe are mostly with addons, and considering those, Myers takes the cake. Just because of the tombstones
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Trapper (psychological pressure) and Twins (slug)
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Huntress. Her hatches will hit me after I round a corner, and a lot of Huntress players I run into tunnel and camp aggressively.
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I know I'll get some heat for this one but it's Billy. I just hate everything about him. I hate playing against him, I hate playing as him and I hate his design. Just one killer I can't stand.
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Plague is probably the most unfun killer after Skull Merchant for me.
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Skull merchant or Trickster.
All others are fine for me.
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I don't like match vs Ghostface. My dislike for him is quite serious.
On the other hand, it is very rewarding when a nurse who is at the same level as me comes to me.
Because skill, knowledge, and psychological warfare are important, chases are serious competitions that are satisfying whether you win or lose.
However, if the map is not small, survivors have an advantage even against nurses, so it seems rude to the opponent if more than two survivor survives.
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I know... but some players don't realize that not tunneling is how you play her
It saddens me
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Unfortunately that is the best way to play her as long as you don't over-commit.
You shouldn't chase a trapped Survivor for ages but the fact that you're drawn to vulnerable positions while you have a trap on (and are likely injured if it's active) means she can turn 1 hook into 2 or more relatively easily.
She's just super cheesy and encourages annoying playstyles imo.
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As I new player I find pyramid head the most difficult to go against but most annoying goes to doctor.
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Myers with those insta mori addons bs
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PH difficult? really? In my almost 900 hours of play I have lost once against him, In that same match (it was like 2 weeks ago) it was the first time a PH hooked me once. Also, I died because I couldn't find the hatch, not because he killed me. ALSO, first match against a PH where he got a kill. To me it's the easiest killer to play against because he's extremely weak. It's the only killer from among all of them which I struggle to even get 2 hooks... He's just weak and really easy to counterplay (imo)
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Must just be a skill issue on my end but I find it hard to dodge his power. I always get the cage lol.
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My p100 pig will never tunnel you. Promise.
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That's cause you have experience in playing the Pig... As do I
her Slowdown is due to a Trap being used... some players don't realize that
I do appreciate that but I'm on the lower end of the MMR scale (apparently)
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legion and skull merchant
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I'd say skull merchant but I never see them and when I do it's just auto game end. The ones I actually play against instead of game ending and hate is clown and huntress. I hate clown so much because it's just oh woopdie doo you can't run now. Huntress I just dislike her range, and unlike slinger theres no noise that she's about to hit you.
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I like any killer that has fair counter play if you're skilled enough. Billy (he didn't need the nerf), Demo, Saduko, Plague, Pin Head, Huntress.
I hate Blight, a god nurse and Xenomorph is getting boring.
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It's really tight between SM, Knight and Artist
Special mention to Pyramid Head
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WESKER!! Easily Wesker. Well, that's the only killer I see anymore. But also depens on who is playing. Any killer can be annoying if there is toxic enough player.
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This, also I don't like her lullaby.
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Wesker. I hate his voice lines and his overall vibe. Never liked him in resident evil either.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Really. I know I'm biased since I'm a pig main and you're entitled to you own opinion. I don't go against pig that much so I'm only judging her of how I play her and the few times I remember going against her. Tunneling active trap survivors is a popular strategy used mostly by new pigs and competitive ones. I'm eager to know what other strategys.
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Skull Merchant, Nurse, Spirit pops in my mind.
But I just don't like vsing Trappers. I always get way too paranoid about traps and don't loop smoothly and really really badly. I usually let trappers get free hits just to get distance to somewhere that I hope is more safe.
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Exactly, I hate when playing Smash Bros. people disable maps and/or items and disable a minimum of 66% of the game, and Plague does that similar disabling 25% of the Survivor gameplay. Like, I get few enough options how to play as Survivor, don't hard delete a friggin' mechanic. Most Killers are additive on mechanics, such as Wesker sprays/Pig traps, or looping a different style against their power, but Plague is subtractive. I also have had the most 3 gen hostage adjacent Killers be Plagues more than any other Killer that isn't Hostage Merchant. I'm thankful that so few people play Plague in that pseudo-hostage style.
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Wesker. He's really annoying to go against and most of the players that use him act very toxic.
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Aside from skull merchant (because I think everyone hates her), condemned slugging onryo and scream build pig. Most obnoxious and boring thing to go against.
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Blight or Nurse. Nearly every game is just a waste of time that I am eager to move on from. At least it usually ends quickly in solo queue. I will not give up on whining about these ridiculous killers until Behavior gives them the nerf they have deserved for years. I would have said Skull Merchant but she's getting changed. I strongly dislike Xenomorph as well. A sleeper pick for me is Myers. Every single Myers I have seen in the last six months or so runs the exact same addons. It's 100% going to be a tombstone piece or infinite tier 3. He's either going to delete someone from the match at 3-4 gens or camp someone out with zero opposition. I can't even remember the last time I saw a normal Myers. I am fine with pretty much every other killer.