This game is severely anti-solo players

I’ve played this game for years. I didn’t start genuinely grinding until recently - I’m by no means a strong player, plenty of skills/strengths to build.
But all I’ve learned is that this is impossible with dbd. I don’t have friends to play with and I’ve had little luck finding any, but I also like to play solo.
Either way, this game clearly has insanely low capacity to ensure that solo players can have a positive experience or equal opportunity to succeed compared to SWF’s.
tunnelling, camping, hex perks, strong abilities that alter match conditions…I am always let down by the fact that I can’t communicate with teammates and by the fact that fellow survivors don’t know how to play around those various challenges.
Of course camping, tunnelling etc. can be worked against…but none of that matters if the other survivors stand around not knowing what to do, and none of us have enough opportunity to really improve - our games are consistently the same and so many players just don’t learn.
Literally what is the point? Why continue to play hard in games when the clear issues never get addressed and the devs make zero effort towards making the game viable for solo players?
this new anti camp attempt may slow the process down for killers, but will it change anything? How do I know other players will play around that any better?
developers just see statistics that suit them and that's it. They took the improvement of the conditions for the new ones, but most of the mentions that were set up for this only made the situation worse...they are not looking for easy ways. To solve this problem, it would be enough to do a training that cannot be skipped. Train not before the match, during and after, every time he meets with one or another aspect of the game / the killer's abilities. The survivors should not go into the match against Freddy not knowing that they might wake up and not knowing all 3 ways to do it, and so you can say about the greater part of the killers. And then it would be possible to provoke the player to exclaim with a sign at the learning menu where you can talk about what he met in detail from the wiki.
everything else without training is just a useless crutch that will not solve the problem at all
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I don't know what else they can do to make the game easier for you. I get you are new but maybe look up a few guides. The game is extremely easy as survivor once you have it figured out. They already made SO MANY changes to the game to make things easier for survivors. Part of the problem is perks and you won't do a lot better till you have the "meta" ones.
But on a general basis you already have the following that helps survivors tremendously.
- Items that never run out
- Repair kits HALF the time it takes to repair a generator which is insane.
- Several maps with infinite loops
- Invincible when off the hook and run so fast that it would make sonic the hedgehog jealous
- Limitless Pallets and can go from Pallet to Pallet
- Some maps where generators are so hard to defend that most killers straight up give them up
- Healing is extremely fast
I mean honestly once you have the busted perks and items you will be winning so many games you will get bored of it.
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Playing a killer alot, I can say a full survive with friends groups feels like an impossible uphill battle. There needs to be some solo play, otherwise they would either have to buff the killers or weaken the survivors.
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Hi, fellow solo queue player here. Expecting that you will likely die is the only way to play solo queue without disappointment. Find your own ways to enjoy yourself - do tome challenges, dailies, try for pips, etc. If you play solo purely to escape you will have a bad time. Solo queue is kill rates fodder.
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the rank system still clearly sucks. Yes I can improve, but when I’m camped and the other 3 survivors all stop gens and stand there until I die, 7/10 times…my dude. That’s just sad. Like actually pathetic. Why is this so consistent in my team, and then as killer I play against very clearly strong swf’s wgo are far better than me.
So that’s a pretty clear issue that still hasn’t been addressed competently. There are certainly areas where survivors have so much better conditions to take advantage over killers, but this does not then mean this is an overall reflection of the game, because there are so many areas that lead to other issues which ruin the game.
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Exactly! It gets called a killer issue or a survivor issue, so they nerf one or the other…maybe if this game wasn’t so horrific and difficult to play unless you utilise the most powerful elements or create powerful conditions (such as swf), it wouldn’t be a constant back and forth - make the game more viable within a range of different conditions so that each side doesn’t continually rely on the most powerful.
how do killers know they can camp? Bc swfs like to get a 4 man escape.
why do people swf? Bc why the hell would you play with people who see campers and stand around for three hook stages.
if this game was more viable these players wouldn’t have to rely on the strongest tools and make the game more miserable
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Oh I know. It’s insane - either swf with strong stuff and win or play for your own enjoyment, or selfishly, for the win/for a likely loss but at least you got to almost have fun. Just sad.
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the issue in solo que is bad team mates sadly im not sure what the devs can do about it. No amount of solo que buffs or killer nerfs is gonna change those bad players.
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These teams are only like 3% of the survivor population. There are official stats to back this up.
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I'm honestly at the point of giving the game up. It should not be this hard to do an "open exit gate" daily. Especially for a measly 30k. It's times like this I agree with the sentiment that solo is unplayable, which I usually think is pure dramatics. I've accepted my low escape rate, I get that it's by design, but when things like dailies and tome challenges are the way you maintain interest and even then you can't get them done, you wonder what the point is.
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It's true, I'll have an amazing game here or there, but lately soloq is just a death fest. I also get almost no BP.
There is little to no balance.
Often times if I feel like it, I'll loop the killer for all the gens, but I get sick of it because I get almost no points, everyone else does the easy stuff, gets more points and leaves me to die. Meh.
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yup. 6.1.0 and onwards the game told solos to get the hell out and SWF are the only part that is considered,despite being such a tremendously low % of matches.
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A full SWF 50% of the time is memeing. If you're losing a lot of the matches,I can assure you,it's not a SWF,or Discord dragging you down,it's a skill issue. It's empirically proven that SWFs are very rare to verse.
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Well... I stopped playing soloQ because of this after patch 6.1. I played maybe like 10 soloQ games since, because the experience is just that bad. It's either SWF or killer. Because soloQ is just too much to handle and enjoy myself.
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I've had the opposite problem since 6.1 and basically just play killer now.
I used to play in a 4 man that every killer dreams of facing: we played drunk on Fridays nights, one player loved to play 'Santa Claude' and run a full chest/rummage build. Almost nothing was efficient or optimized, just fun games.
6.1 and changes after that drove that group away from the game because it started getting too competitive and the game started focusing on dropping chase to kick gens instead of chases.
But I agree, solo q only exists as fodder to pad the kill rate stats.
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Being a soloQ is not that big of a problem, in fact, HUD has made a huge contribution to preventing that from happening.
The problem is that the overall level of survivors is very low. to the point where AFC is necessary.
And due to the oversupply of survivors and the explosion of SWFs, the number of matches between people with different skills has increased.
If soroQs who can see the HUD like a map rather than a code gather together, being soroQ will not be a problem at all.
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Problem with soloQ is totally in matchmaking. Whenever you play soloQ, you will most definitely get at least 1 survivor who will be clueless or outright throwing - that means killer will just tunnel them out at 5 gens and from this point on, you can be Ayrun himself and still loose the game. This presumes your soloQ teammates do not decide to give up on hook after 1st chase or don't decide to leave you on hook.
I really don't consider communication the important thing about SWF. The actual important thing is circumventing outright horrible matchmaking this game has. About half of my SWF games are without communication and there's not a big difference between the 2 (like sure communication helps, but it's so negligible in comparison).
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Even if communication is not possible, who has which park, are they highly conscious of power generation, are they good at chasing, and are they proactive in rescuing their allies?
Just by guessing them, SWF is getting a huge boost. Just don't forget that.
Regardless, I agree that the disparity in player skill in matching is a problem.
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If I am playing in SWF where I don't use voice comms, I don't know other people's builds half the time. And I quite frankly don't care. It's the fact that I am matches with 3 other people that are comparatively about as good as me, are willing to help and don't play selfishly, don't do challenges that are outright throwing or don't suicide on 1st hook is enough.
Basically all I really want is to be consistently matched with good soloQ teammates and that's it. That is enough to have enjoyable game as survivor. But you almost never ever get those. This is the main reason I never play soloQ. I won't play 10 games just so that I can have 1 normal game where the match is actually interesting (and I am not even saying that it's a match where I will win). I don't care that I get 3 free escapes (and 6 deaths where there's nothing you could have done) because thanks to matchmaking I got total potato killer from time to time - those matches are just as boring. I want games where killer decides to tunnel (which is perfectly normal these days), but my teammates don't shrug it off and actively try to do something about it instead of giving up on hook as soon as possible.
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True that. I feel like the games where I do escape are unchallenging, because it's usually a far less experienced killer. I very very very rarely leave a game (dead or alive) and feel like I just faced a killer on the same level as me. It's a once in a blue moon thing. Nowadays my games seem to be 8/10 everyone dead with 4 gens to go because the killers absolutely steamrolled everyone, and 2/10 an escape of 3-4 survivors because the killer just couldn't keep up.
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How about making the game a lot more intuitive - making it far easier to learn/discover information, both in game and in general.
i mean Jesus, you can’t even utilise a custom built custom match. Anytime I try to learn something in a simulated match I have 30 seconds and then it’s over.
so bad for self-improvement.
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As an unemployed person with ADHD (AKA I play video games a lot), the fact that it’s a low percentage doesn’t really solve no.1 Some days this game makes me want to tear my hair out and 2. The fact that only a small percentage cause this problem doesn’t change that people queue into it over and over again, and really the fact that it’s occurring is a reflection of the devs allowing it to, which is just crappy.
why the hell would people subject themselves to irritatingly obnoxious strong swfs, and try to learn and enjoy killer, when the rank system consistently allows weaker killers to be matched with far stronger survivors? It’s ridiculous.
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I started out admitting that my skill, particularly as killer, leaves plenty to be desired - my point was that it is very difficult to improve in general, especially as a solo survivor, but in recent replies also discussing how the “rank system”, if you could even call it that, consistently allows my killer to be up against stronger survivors.
also, I play this game a lot, so the fact that it’s rare overall doesn’t actually mean jack, as I spend a lot of time dealing with it - play time goes up, time spent playing against it goes up. Big math.
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The HUD changes are great, very glad they happened, eventually…but as I’ve said, what you’re describing - soloQ not being a problem - that’s not my experience.