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Skill based matchmaking

Sigee Member Posts: 19

Hi everyone.

First, I don't want to win every game I play. I don't want to do a win streak. etc. I want to have fun.

I played the game for a long time and heard from killer mains. It is hard and survivor-sided. I need to camp + tunnel to win.

So my question is that. If there is a skill-based matchmaking (you know MMR). Why I can't win ~50% of my matches (regardless of the side I play)

Earlier, as a survivor, I experienced around 45% escape rate which is normal in my opinion.

My issue is that in the last 2 days, the matchmaking is insane.

Our escape rate went down to about 10%. And in the last 10 matches, we had only 3 survivors who escaped. Is it a normal thing? Do we really have to die in this game every time? What should be the fun factor for the survivor if we can't win?

I know, "learn to play", "don't cry" and "git gud". I can live with that I can't play, but based on the statistic 3 of 40 survivors can play (1 of them was a crouching random next to the hatch with a hatch offering)?

I would hear about others' experiences. Is the matchmaking really this insane?

Here are my statistics:


  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844
    edited October 2023

    I have days when I might survive almost every game, but they are rare. A more common experience would be one more like today, with a 10%-20% escape rate. It is a weekend though. The more serious Killers seem to play at the weekends. I'd be willing to bet a near 50% escape rate is not normal for most players.

    MMR is kinda wild and in my experience, appears to be close to non existent for most of the time. At least it does for me, anyway. I'm a newer player who never played under the old system, but I cannot imagine the previous system being much worse than this.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582
    edited October 2023

    This happens to many players (myself included) from time to time. I see 2 likely causes for this.

    1) You don't play as good as usual. We all have days when we just aren't quite as sharp and find ourselves making decisions, that we know are stupid. Maybe you aren't as concentrated as usual or your muscle memory seems off. Sometimes you don't even notice all the mistakes you make. If you have the means to record your games and rewatch them later, that can help you find out what you did wrong.

    2) You crossed the MMR threshold and are now in a higher MMR bracket than before. The SBMM in this game is a bit weird. It doesn't work quite like you might think. Basically you have an invisible number (MMR), that is determined by how good you perform and there are three MMR brackets. Low MMR, mid MMR and High MMR. Depending on your own MMR, the game will put you into one of these three brackets where you play against a wide range of players. Some are pretty damn good and others are more sloppy. When your MMR increases you eventually reach the threshold of a higher MMR bracket and are put against stronger opponents. When it comes to match difficulty, you can consider each threshold as a point of discontinuity. Your matches suddenly become much harder or much easier than before depending on if your MMR went up or down. Also, it takes quite a bit before your MMR drops again even if you only crossed the threshold by a bit.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    "I need to tunnel + camp to win": it's not so much a SBMM issue but rather a vicious circle problem, like any PvP game the sweatier you play the more you win and go up in MMR and the sweatier you'll need to play.

    If you want to be able to win without doing those the only solution is to drop in MMR until you don't need to do this anymore (or hope BHVR does something so they're not the most efficient strategies but I wouldn't count on it)

    As for your survivor situation, either you just got an unlucky streak or you (or someone in your swf) got high enough in MMR that you can now be matched against people of an higher MMR tier / threshold than before.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    The last week+ has been bizarre for MMR for me, for both sides.

    Across all of my killers I've ran into survivor groups that were insane compared to the usual fare for my level. There was no reason to actually attempt most of the trials. Typical scenario was two gens popped in the first minute, before I even saw a survivor. Third popped mid chase with the first survivor I found. Fourth popped getting that survivor to a hook. Fifth popped, both gates 99%, hook rushed and chain body blocked to the exit. Playing M1s, I eventually just went afk whenever a trial started like this, and for some maps I didn't even bother starting.

    Survivor was the exact opposite. In solo queue I kept winding up in teams of survivors that not only knew what they were doing but were good at it. I've never escaped so much in such a short period of time in my career playing the game. One trial had someone who was a god level looper, and every time the killer got on one of the other three survivors they'd somehow get the killer on them and take off. Ultimately they dragged the killer (who wasn't a noob by any stretch) around the map for four gens and only got hit once. The killer was so impressed they wound up playing friendly and lined up for pallet stuns the rest of the match.

    MMR is just borked anymore.