Survivors abusing prenn asylum main with boil over an no methier

Had a few games like this you chase someone they run up a certain spot in main an no matter how fast you pick them up you can't get them to hook while others do gens you can't leave them slugged nor hook them. They also pear it with flip flop an breakout,

They also willuse an offering to choose the map i notice. What can be done about this?


  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    If they're staying at one spot not doing gens, they will eventually bleed out even with no mither

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 500

    there is a gen in main they kept getting up to work on it while the other 2 did gens round the map if i left the build they would swap around

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    If they're swapping around and leaving the building, that leaves them pretty exposed and able to be hooked, especially if you're playing a stealth killer

    If you're playing a killer like wesker with his huge TR then yeah, mabye not

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 500

    Yeah it's a tricky won maybe i need to play pyramid head lol

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284
    edited October 2023

    I presume you are talking about Disturbed ward, because there's no way you are talking about chapel. In this case all I can say to you is a small reminder, that boil over adds wiggle progress based on current progress - so you actually can (and should) drop even if survivor has this perk. You just should do that quickly. This way you shouldn't have problem getting into closest hook no matter where in the main did these survivor decide to go down (as disturb ward's main has many places where you can drop down instead of just using stairs).

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Boilovers are often abused. I have faced this many times.

    The first thing I can say is that you should basically not pursue survivors who have fled to unique buildings (unless the distance is shortened).

    And survivors who are trying to buy time with boilovers have no choice but to quickly turn them into slugs and leave them alone.

    There are times when you can't say that.

    Agitation is a good permanent perk that never goes bad.

    However, because of AFC, the killer's essential skill of being able to choose the hanging position is essentially wasted.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,284

    Once you know how to play around boil over/sabotages, then you will start to consider the perk wasted perk slot. I never ever slug survivors with boil over and they super rarely get any value out of this perk, because there are always things you can do.

    1, immediate drop as I already said

    2, knowing hook spawns on maps (to counter aura aspect)

    3, learning the rhythm of wiggling (you can look left right in opposite to wiggle speed greatly reducing any effect it has)

    4, once in a blue moon where this could still pose problems (namely ironworks main - and I think this is the only case where perk has truly some value) - you can drop survivors into fall - staggering them for very quick catch-up.

    If you fail to do these, you can always slug. But you really don't have to

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    The ratio of advantages and disadvantages to hanging is already even.

    Anyone should hesitate to immediately onhook survivor just because the ssurvivor is down.

    Anyone can carry survivors almost straight by toggling the side step switch, but the efficiency will decrease. There are often reasons to work on generator management before increasing on-hook numbers.

    If there is a survivor who obstructs the killer's hook work, their allies often try to make the most of it.

    I guess it's his desire to become a slug because he doesn't want to be onhook. Therefore, even if a killer turns someone into a slug, it does not constitute harassment.