New Anti-Camp feature is worse than before…

I will admit, a partial skill issue on my side as survivor but as iri 3 for the past weeks and loosing damn near 19 pips due to killers tunneling and camping or insta down add-ons, (iri head or tombstone usually) and since this new feature came out I lost another 5 pips. Anything gained is just lost. I just played against hillbilly and I can poop him forever but once he got me down, he camped knowing I can hop off the hook… how does that help at all? He tunneled anyone who was on hook and face camped, but even the bar for anti camping didn’t go up nearly fast enough to even account for the distance he was at… while about 5-10 meters away sometimes it feels that the bar stops entirely even though he’s right near me. Can we just allow unhooks to be silent and not show the aura of hooked survivors to the killers? This wouldn’t fix tunneling or camping but would reduce the possibility of killer coming back to hook once your off (the killer can see you got off hook by the hud just no location is shown). What else could we do to make anti camping a thing? I’ve been iri every month and this month for me has been the hardest to do anything, I got to iri and instead of ranking up each day it’s turned into a long week of loosing pips. Anyone possibly see this as more my fault or the new feature or just ######### killers?


  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Based on certain responses, we can see that tunneling and camping is a viable strategy that the devs will not bother to alleviate. Even if it's at the cost of that one person experience being ruined over a video game. All I can personally say is use anti tunneling/camping perks to prevent that experience from being ruined more. Because if the devs aren't going to do it, you might as well take matters into your own hands. Does it suck that you have to use perks to prevent a killer that doesn't need a perk themselves in camping and is mechanically part of the game....yea. But your sanity is more important. I always have these perks for me

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    While I fully agree. Can we please look at niche scenarios that are still in game? Thankfully Bubba was addressed (at least to some degree). What about tombstone Meyers (at least don't let him mori during endurance so he can't mori the second you get unhooked)? He doesn't care that you can unhook and will actually facecamp very happily. What about guarding the only entrance to the hook (basement, most hills, some main buildings like Thomson house)? How is it effectively any different to facecamping?

    I like the addition of this feature to the game. I also think the distance is justified. Some killers have it still too easy to effectively camp (pinky clown, iri huntress, etc) - but it's still better then without this feature. But there still could be a few tweaks to the system

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 694

    Do you think it’d be possible to add a “tips tab” in the menu of the game and add these tips you gave? Most of my friends who are new players would appreciate these kind of tips added elsewhere other than the loading screen (the tips there are really…. not that helpful). Tips on how to face certain situations could help a lot of new players to improve and know what could be done, they just run like headless chickens because they don’t comprehend anything, and if they don’t have experienced friends with them playing or at all (they don’t know anybody who plays the game at a more advanced level) it can be pretty overwhelming to learn. Please consider this! Especially since the game has been trying to be more beginner and casual friendly lately (which is good)!

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 694

    Regarding OG’s post… I think that the complaint should be focused on the rank/pip system being so bad and inconsistent (for survivor). It should definitely be reworked and either not let you pip down or be team based score (if players play pushing objectives, altruistic enough and have good chases, everybody gets a good score. It’s a team after all).

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    There is only one scenario (besides the already mentioned TS) which is bothering me:

    If you are on a hook and the killer stands right next to it on a hill or dropdown (Kindred told me that he was well inside 16m) about 10m from me, the bar does not go up.

    I guess the game thinks that he needs to go down the hill the way he got up, but it's not the case. It would be nice if a fix is considered.

    Examples can be found on MacMillan (hills), Coldwind (hills+harvester+main), Haddonfield, The Game, Red Forrest and many more.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,985

    interesting one, right now Kindred doesn't show the killers aura, so are you sure that they were also within range?

    We are monitoring those vertical distances, after making some adjustments for the Live version

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    A fried I played with told me. But I understand the confusion.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,105

    Wouldn't something like a pathfinding system work ideally for this? Using the path to know the shortest distance to the Survivor from the Killer could work even on hills maybe. (not sure how it is done now, but I assume something akin to a sphere check, don't quote me on that tho)

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Oh I would love this. Make it path-finder based and most killers (ehm, nurse) gets immediately fixed. Maybe slightly higher range could be used then (18 or maybe 20m, but no more) - but that's not really required.

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 162

    To sum it up the update is useless. At least face camping you could counter. This is like being the goat in Jurassic Park waiting to be eaten by the T Rex. All these face campers have figured out exactly where the cutoff is and just wait and by the time you get rescued (if you do), you get tunneled and downed again. This update just made tunneling so much easier, especially for those basement campers. If they aren't doing that they are slugging and dropping off people by the hooks and still patrolling as it slows the meter to a snail speed. Maybe SWF's are not the actual problem it is the people trying to play killer and can't. I have seen toxic teams but rarely get them, more so I see killers that can't chase or refuse to they want the game handed to them. That is what the problem is, they want to be Killer but don't want to be effort to get the kill. Survivors are not innocent either. There are some that I swear just are good with a flashlight.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 368

    Well, thank you for that, now I'm not gonna recommend this game to anyone because nobody is gonna pay for not playing the game due to camping and tunneling

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I'm against AFC in the first place, but I get tired of seeing people who don't even know about hook trading and come to the hook to rescue them, only to get hit once by the killer and then run away without doing anything.

    They don't try to learn basic how-tos and complain that it's someone else's fault.

    "I am better than my opponent without having to try harder. Therefore, since the fault lies with the system or the killer, we request improvement." The killers who are always attracting hate may be fine, but the management that took the trouble to provide such generous care for the survivors must be a bit of a shame.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,105

    They could even go further with that by introducing LoS checks (for ranged Killers) and modifiers for longer camping distance for certain Killers (Blight, Nurse)

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    There are no buffs for tunnels. Since the benefits of camping have decreased, the number of tunnels has increased relatively. That's all.

    And adding more disadvantages to hanging survivors on hooks will only accelerate the mass production of slugged survivors. It doesn't solve anything. Make sure to consider both the advantages and disadvantages.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    No. Many of the survivors who quit doing so are basically casuals, and they are unnecessarily increasing the win rate of the average killer, and the killer's win rate is high, right? It is the existence that is used as material to realize the fraud.

    On the other hand, if strong-willed survivors survived, the average suicide rate would drop significantly, and even if the number of survivors decreased, there would be a widespread trend of believing in your friends, having hope, and playing to the end without giving up.

    It's fun for killers to play against such opponents, and even if they lose, it's understandable, creating a virtuous cycle.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,043
    edited October 2023

    That's an expensive operation though... a point to point distance calculation is a very cheap calculation with modern hardware... constant path finding every frame? That would be heavy on the CPU....

    Edit: I still feel 1 Nemesis in the y axis should be the cut off of the AFC myself 😁

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Not really. A* is much more expensive then distance calculation (which is like 1 equation and that's it), but you don't have to fully expand it and you don't need to recalculate it each frame. If the desired distance is say 20m, then calculate A* to distance of 24m and recalculate once every second. It's not 100% correct, but it's good enough and it's still quick (and you can optimize further - if distance equation gives you more then 20m, you don't need to bother with A* at all).