Only little thing that I dislike from the Skull Merchant rework

Could something be done about drones going up and being useless the moment Skull Merchant goes just underneath them? I love how her power is now playing as and against her, but the only complaint I have is that little thing that takes away some value that could be obtained, especially since the purpose of her power is directly thought to be used in chase.

Big props to the team for the rework! Having tons of fun playing her now.


  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Oh, forgot to say that there is a bug that sometimes when you deploy a drone, you actually don't but it says you did? You gain undetectable and do the animation but the drone is nowhere to be seen. Already reported it, but just in case!

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Now that they might have finally hit the key with her kit, I guess it will be simpler for them to tweak addons to give more variety to her builds. I am very happy with how she plays with the current good addons tho, but probably in the long run I'll get bored if I only use the same ones because the rest are too hard to get value from.