Spirit’s duration add-ons

ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions


Can you revert the change that was made to duration add-ons? Let the power cooldown cap at 15 seconds no matter what but punish short-bursting ( it’s boring and unskillful anyway. )

That way duration add-ons become viable instead of what they are now. people who rely on short bursting will have to think if it’s worth doing or end up waiting longer than usual if they do it all the time.

In short, punish short bursting and reward long phases.


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But using short bursts of your power is what most good players do? They don't need the full duration when they are already at a tile, why exactly are we punishing this? The changes that got introduced for spirit are alright, you can still just run duration together with cool down and have probably around the similar duration and cd as you had before, you just need two addons now, spirit is a strong enough killer anyway and is in an Allright spot, I would say you don't even need duration, speed and recharge are better in my opinion.