Which THE WALKING DEAD Survivor would you MAIN?

The Walking Dead franchise is entirely owned by Skybound Entertainment and Robert Kirkman, so it probably doesn't matter if they had to be based on the Show or the Comics/Games.
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Lee Everett
Maggie Green
Michonne Hawthorne
Carol Peletier
Other options: Anyone you want, really; I'm sure you'd remember these names, and since they're likely your favorites, you'd probably be thinking, "Yeah, I'd definitely main them!"
You got Carl Grimes, Sophie (lived in the comics... so did Carl...), Morgan Jones, Shane, Dale, Tyreese, Sasha, Bob, Carly, Doug, Ben, Mark, Chuck, Omid, Christa, Molly, Mike, Paul "Jesus" Monroe, Ezekial, Violet, Louis, Luke, Nick, Pete, Carlos, Merle, Hershel, The Governor, Trev-- er... Simon, Lilly if you like her for whatever reason, Larry's kind of pushing it, Sarah I don't why you'd choose her, Jane... Might be a going a bit far. Abraham, Rosita, Eugene...
Eugene... Not to be a hater... Well, second thought, I'm not gonna kid with you... If you want Eugene, of all people, I got nothing to say... Except... I'd rather main Larry than Eugene any day... I'm not even mad, just disappointed...
But yeah, I think I got about everyone. Let me know if there's anyone I've missed. Thanks for reading, and feel free to share the one you'd main from the Walking Dead franchise.