why does the game punish when it knows it kicked you?

The error message said something along the line of the server disconnected us. Every single player showed as disconnected. Plainly at least some of the internal mechanisms were aware and able to identify it wasn't a choice on my part. So why, on top of taking all the progress I had on an often-bugged daily and the event tome, did I get a d/c penalty?


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,763

    Thier system either doesn't or cannot differentiate between connection issues and players manually leaving. So drops no matter the reason all get the same penalties.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152
    edited October 2023

    When the error message says "lost connection to server" or anything like this, then it simply means that the signal between server and client went dark, which it does when

    - your internet cuts out,

    - your household has a black out,

    - your internet provider has problems,

    - you turn off your router

    - you unplug the lan cable

    - you force shut down the game.

    They all look the same for the software and get punished equally.

    The ONLY other thing would be if the server and/or the game client would have an internal diagnostic algorithm that detects when the game or the server crashes for some reason and report that back, so the penalty could be revoked.

    But I don't think that this exists and the ratio between crashes and the rest isn't worth in bars eyes. And I don't even have the in-depth knowledge if this is even really possible, especially with the patchwork code of DBD.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,504
    edited October 2023

    Oh yes.

    I got kicked from a matches at least once or twice per day, with "Dedicated something" message.

    And I also lost an offering + got penalty.

    I wonder if everyone gets the same... If the game tells me that everyone were kicked out.