Is anyone else encountering a lot of server crashing?

It's been happening pretty frequently since the event started, so much so that it just happened again right as I was about to run out of the exit gate and now I'm straddled with a 15 minute penalty because it already did it to me earlier this morning and last night. My internet connection is solid, and you can see the lead up because teammates will suddenly all become bots or drop like flies in rapid succession and then you get it too.
Yeah, the game has become pretty unstable of late, I got loads of crashes, which are especially annoying when they happen right at the end, when you are about to end the trial, but I also got a fair share of crashes when I tried to pick someone up. Its gotten so bad that at this point they could/should killswitch the DC penalty.
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Well, yes.
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I could show you probably halfe a dozen of these just from the even days.
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It all started with the SM rework PTB for me...🤗
Sometimes matchmaking would endlessly look far a match and nothing would happen...🤔
Then after a few days game started forcing me into lobbies with 400ms~ ping...😮
But then after a week he showed up... Dedicated server... I knew he was different and not like others...😍
BHVR said it's a technical problem from my side... but I know it's not that... there's something more to it, something special...❤️
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Yep. Same thing, only when I'm winning as killer.
I don't get a penalty though.
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Fortunate, I wouldn't mind as bad if I wasn't getting penalties because I could just queue up and my only loss is bloodpoints or challenge progress, but the timeout box is really annoying right after getting robbed of a good score in the end
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I note that you were winning. Do you ever get this while not winning?
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Yeah, I also had it happen just as Wesker was about to hook me for the third time, and a singularity yesterday I think? It's happened quite a few times and usually it's when I'm winning or losing because it feels like it happens aroudn 10 minutes or so in when the match is already winding down.
Though I have not had it happen when I'm playing killer, which might just be chance.
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This is very interesting because it kind of adds weight to the technical issue hypothesis (by opposition to the hack hypothesis)
There have been at least a couple of discussions where players noticed that it only happened when they were winning (one by myself).
It's almost reassuring. (Better a bug than a hack.)
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So far I've played four matches in the event and two of them ended with server crashes so I guess that's a yes.
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Not that frequent today but yesterday, yes.
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I've gotten DC'd 3 times since yesterday evening.
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Will the abusable game ending f11 engine bug ever be fixed? Who knows
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Maybe the event brought some players back for the first few days to try it out and the servers can't handle it. Just my theory but I'm no expert. I've only played a few matches as I have a busy two weeks hasn't happened to me and I've seen it happening to people in matches.
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Yup! All the time. My internet is perfectly fine too as my BF is often playing a game as well (online) with no issues. The only logical conclusion is, it's dbd servers. Woohoo~
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My assumption is that the servers are really struggling due to a player influx, what with the Halloween event being so fun to play
That or DBD's getting DDoSed, which I doubt
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Yeah my game just crashed too. Same thing. Server crashed. My internet is solid as well. Is it because of the event?
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Constantly. In my current play session I've had seven, with four of them back-to-back while loading into a lobby. Full lobby/trial disconnects, everyone dropped.