The event on console

Ostrich Member Posts: 8
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Does anyone else feel that the performance on older consoles (in my case ps4) has gotten much worse (was already bad to begin with) since the event started? When playing survivor it's mostly fine, but when playing killer the game feels blurry and it's a lot more difficult to keep track of spinning survivors. After playing more than one game I actually have a headache and feel a bit nauseous. Think I'll have to focus on completing the challenges and then play something else until the event is over...

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 954

    I thought it was just me. Playing killer feels absolutely dreadful, it is somewhat manageable when playing survivor

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,146

    Yeah, my poor Switch is really struggling. A shame really, because the game was running fairly well after the previous update. Only the Nostromo had serious frame rate issues. The rest of the maps were more or less fine performance wise.

    That said, I think the only time I've seen DBD run near flawlessly was when the game textures failed to load in on RPD. It may have looked like a PS1 game but the frame rate was buttery smooth.

    Survivor is still kinda playable but Killer is so bad I've had to become a Trapper main on Switch for the duration of the event. Because the only way I'm catching anyone right now is if they step in a trap!

  • Amshnock
    Amshnock Member Posts: 51

    On PS5 I do feel the FPS drops some times. Its around some objects could be causing memory leaks. when things happen at one Like a gen pops the portal opens and I swing at some one at the same time.

  • Foempticol
    Foempticol Member Posts: 232

    Original PS4/PS4 Slim: 25-30fps

    PS4 Pro (Boost Mode): Solid 30fps

    PS5: Solid 60fps

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    I am also on PS4 and PC.

    PS4 is still ok for me but you feel the slower FPS.

    The event brings more extra effects and some of the newer maps are a bit more demanding i guess.

    There are spots or effects that tanks the fps more now for sure.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited October 2023

    I thought something felt off when I was playing last night. Thought it might just be a me thing.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    Borrow a friend's PS4 or whatever and let us know what you find?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Just tried playing killer on Switch and it was absolutely godawful. I avoid killer on Switch as much as possible, but the Tome challenges force it. I am so effing miserable every time I play killer on Switch, and now it's worse. The framerate was abysmal, I kept walking into objects in the environment and getting stuck, regular doorways were completely ######### me in chases. I shouldn't lose chases because I need to walk through a doorway.

    The cursor has been worse as well. It was already crap given that there are no settings for dead zone and response curve, but the input is even worse, now. The frustration as I take 30+ seconds to select a small button in the menu has me wanting to quit the game altogether. That's not including actual in-match gameplay, that's just trying to deal with the cursor jerking around when I need to select something. It doesn't matter how gentle I try to be with the analog stick, the cursor jumps.

    BHVR really has no idea how ######### ######### this game performs on some systems, do they.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009
    edited October 2023

    Switch is currently running at a silky smooth 12 FPS.

    It's absolutely abysmal. You know how hard it is to hit skillchecks when the arrow is only visible for 5 frames at most? Pretty dang hard.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    I remember getting frames in the teens in the center room of Lery's on my ol' venerable Xbox1.

    Good times! 😎

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited October 2023

    I noticed last night that it wasn't just in the trial i'm getting FPS drops on my ps4 pro. I'm getting a noticeable FPS drop just sitting on the event tome screen. Yikes 😬

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited October 2023
  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Not only on console, but even on my quite strong PC the fps are tanking once the Void opened for the 1st time and it gets worse the more floaty orbs I collect.

    I have a friend playing on Switch. It's a nightmare for her. And another friend of mine had a pretty old laptop until recently. She played the whole game on 11fps and had to use Technician so the killer would not go to her gen all the time. Even with 2k hrs she could not look back during chase. And even she has a better laptop now, Doc is still her least favourite killer.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009
    edited October 2023

    Just had a match on Midwich and the performance is so bad, it is actually borderline unplayable. The game is barely functioning.

    Update: Had a match on the Nostromo Wreckage, just as bad as Midwich.

    Post edited by Caiman on