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Twins bug when attaching to survivor

Twice tonight when I send Victor to attach to someone, the camera whips back to Charlotte then I lose all control. The survivor can no longer interact with totems, lockers, or generators. They cannot leave through the gate either. It's like the game still thinks that Victor is still attached.
Considering this happened twice tonight, I think this is a major widespread bug with all Twins.
Here is my video on reddit of the issue and a YT link of the survivor 's POV. https://youtu.be/duj2zOa-gxM (fixed clip) https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/17d7zlm/only_twins_know_that_the_void_is_and_its_a_8x4/
My bad I didn't review what I took from Twitch. Let me see if I can correct it
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Youtube link fixed https://youtu.be/duj2zOa-gxM