Multiple nearby hooked survivors not slowing/stopping the anti-facecamp mechanic punishes good play
Downing multiple survivors means the killer snowballed by playing better and/or making better decisions than the survivors did. Choosing to hook them in close together areas to be able to simultaneously pressure them is the smart play.
In the 7.3.1 bugfix patch, other hooked survivors no longer affect the speed of the anti-facecamp mechanic. However, there is no positive reinforcement to not camp in this situation where camping makes the most sense, only negative reinforcement.
The issue this creates is if a killer played well enough to down and hook multiple survivors within the same area, they should be able to make use of their successful play to exert major pressure. Instead, they are forced to leave and simply let someone undo all that pressure they just earned.
Just because it’s unpleasant to be camped doesn’t mean situations where the only logical conclusion is to camp being punished is rational either. Being killed in most PVP games puts you out of commission at least temporarily and isn’t pleasant either. That doesn’t make being killed a problem. Either the anti-facecamp mechanic needs to slow/stop, or there needs to be an actual equivalent mechanical incentive as positive reinforcement to just throw away all pressure on multiple hooked survivors. Otherwise, it punishes people for doing well.
Carried survivors stop it but hooking starts it back up as if no one was there. The current iteration punishes hooking and incentivizes slugging instead of hooking.
Slugged survivors at least slow it down as it should, the killer successfully interrupted a rescue attempt. Punishing the killer for slugging in that situation makes no sense, because now they have multiple out-of-commission survivors in the same area. Why should they leave? And compared to a hook, the slug can still crawl away without gaining a hook state, thus leaving the area and making the killer pick between who to pressure.
Another thread reminded me of a point I completely forgot, but another issue is if every single living survivor is hooked, the anti-facecamp system needs to deactivate. There is nothing else the killer needs to do. There is no point kicking gens or pallets. The only thing left to do is check if anyone on first hook self-unhooks and then just down them again, slug for 60s, then rehook.