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Cenobite Box Aura Bug Audio and Aura instant Find - Permanent Chains

On Xbox DBD cross-play; when playing against cenobite, there is a currently a glitch or bug that is allowing the killer to instantly find the box and detect its aura and sound outside of it's default settings.
This has made cenobite instantly chain "lock" or "chain chains" multiple times resulting in inability to even start to repair gen progress or heal and has made it completely unplayable against or simply too easy as a killer.
Cenobite's ability to locate his own box and chain "chains" needs to be revisited and balanced.
Thank you
Hi has there been any updates on this? I was just in a game with Cenobite and there is no timer resetting the box after Cenobite finds it for over 4-5 minutes.
Reproduction Steps 1
- Play as survivor against Cenobite
- Cenobite finds box OR downs you while you are holding box
- Infinite chains begins
- Let timer run for 4-5 minutes without survivors interacting with box
Repro Steps 2
- Play as survivor against Cenobite
- Cenobite downs you while you are holding box
- Infinite chains begins
- Survivor finds box and attempts to solve
- Cenobite downs survivor again
- Timer continues for infinite duration
Note, Cenobite does not need to ever teleport to reset the timer and as a result it makes the game unplayable for survivors. Cannot heal or fix gens while infinite gens is occurring for duration of game.