Is the pig bad, or is it just me?

I recently got a good bit of dlc for dbd since it was on sale for good 'ol spooktober. One of the dlcs was the saw chapter, which I was looking forward to, mostly because what little I knew of pig was she had innate slowdown from reverse beartraps and that she had some kind of 'ambush' mechanic. Having played her though, I feel underwhelmed. Her 'roar' seems to not just be a sound effect for you, but an actual warning to the survivors- making it near impossible to sneak up on them even if you manage to get close (which isn't easy as not all maps have enough obstacles that you can hide behind). It's hard to see because grass becomes like the corn from the farm maps when you crouch. Even if you do manage to sneak up to survivors, you only get one health state meaning you have to chase them to get them down, which is normally ok with me but in this instance feels like a lot of work for little reward. This would be fine except for some reason whenever I try to 'ambush' survivors at a loop they seem to be ready for it no matter which direction I come from (unless there isn't a pallet, but at that point I was guaranteed a hit anyway). I know at this point it sounds like I'm complaining..... and I kind of am. If you all have advice to make me not suck, that would be great.


  • HommeBizarre
    HommeBizarre Member Posts: 428

    pig was very efficient before the EGC, cuz you could place RBT on survivor and they woul have to remoeve them before going out.

    You are right, removing the warning would be a very efficient buff

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    how dare you

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    The reason for the roar is to allow counterplay...

    If they removed it then Survivors will complain about not being able to dodge her ambush... just like other Killers

    But if they moved it to the middle or end of her charge... it could be better or worse

    And The RBT's are RNG ridden... and that's part of the struggle

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    One of the big things that gutter her was the increase to her stealth radius as that made her stealth virtually useless unless you wanted to crouch around the whole map. Plus as people before mentioned EGC and the guaranteed trap removals definitely hurt her kit. Really OG release pig was not even that good

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410
    edited October 2023

    dont listen to them go back to sleep and return to the realm of piggyland where all the snoots are boopable

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,919

    Generally you should not use the "ambush" attack as an ambush. It's name is pretty bad. When you are trying to sneak up on survivors, you should uncrouch and go for the standard m1. That will leave them far less time to react.

    For the ambush attack, you can use it at loops, but you need to be careful with it. Here is a diagram.

    The black lines are a wall, the blue line is an undropped pallet, the red circle is the killer, and the green is the survivor.

    What you want to do as pig is take control of the pallet without it being dropped, so run the loop around the pallet and stop there. Then you want to crouch and charge your ambush and go to one side or the other. If you guess right, you will land a hit, if you don't you will not. There are other tricks you can do as well to throw the survivor off, for example you can actually slide on the wall but facing the opposite direction, so you can often catch survivors thinking you are going right, but you are going left, and you are sliding on the wall going the opposite direction, really making them think you are going right.

    The weakness here though is 2 things:

    • The survivor can immediately just predrop the pallet
    • The survivor can "leave the loop"

    The leave the loop part is something that is tricky and takes time to figure out, you need to get a feel for when the survivor is going to do it, and if they start doing it, you can start baiting it. The counter to "leave the loop" is for you to uncrouch and start chasing them. Often times, unless there is a really close by tile nearby, you will be able to catch up to them before they get anywhere meaningful.

    For predropping the pallet, that is something most killers deal with. Simply break the pallet, and decide if it is worth it to keep chasing (pro tip: most of the time it is not)

    My general strategy for most killers in the early game is, if i can't land a hit in 10-15 seconds i drop chase. If the survivor drops a pallet, i break it, and drop chase. Because that survivor is going to at least take another 10-15 seconds to hop back on a gen, and even then it probably isn't a gen they want to be working on. So it gives you some time early.

    The last thing i can say is. Do not tunnel the guy with a trap on their head. This is actually bad and will lose you the match more often then it wins. The point of the traps is NOT to kill a survivor with them, the point of the traps is to delay the game by FORCING the survivor to complete an objective that is not the generators, or they die. By all means if you happen to run into the person doing a box, hit them and maybe hook them. But don't go out of your way to tunnel them, because it goes against the point of the traps.

    The RNG for the traps is normalized such that, 1 trap takes 1 search to come off, 1 trap takes 2, 1 takes 3, and 1 takes 4. So that means on average you have 10 box searches worth of traps. A box search is going to take a survivor at least 20-30 seconds. So that is ALOT of slowdown that you have built in, so make sure to use it as such.

    For her addons generally these ones are good:

    • Shattered Syringe
    • Combat Straps
    • Workshop Grease
    • Last Will (when combined with workshop grease)
    • Bag of Gears
    • Tampered Timer
    • Crate of Gears

    Don't take Rules set No 2. You would think it might be good, but it is terrible. When the survivors don't see the aura of the boxes with a trap, what are they gonna do? They are gonna do gens. So all it does is lead you to getting gen rushed more. Any addon that does things like "survivors with a trap are exhausted" are also bad because again, you do not want to be chasing survivors with a trap, you want to leave them to waste time with the traps. Video tape is also a bad addon most of the time, unless you make a build around it.

    For example, i like to run video tape with Jigsaw Sketch with lethal and a bunch of chase perks that allow me to get a down super quick. Generally the survivors aren't going to spend time on gens and they are gonna immediately go for boxes. If you are good at chasing, you can often get a hook before a single second of a gen is worked on. Basically, if you are good at chases and can snowball it can work really well because you frontload your gen slowdown by just making survivors immediately start doing something else.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    She's objectively weak.

    Pig got powerful slowdown ability but downing survivors quick is as important as slowdowns.

    Ambush attack is only useful when you corner survivors, which is very situational.

    Her stealth is not bad imo but lacks both mobility (which Sadako, Wraith has) and lethality (which Ghostface, Myers has).

    I guess that's the weight of having slowdown ability sadly.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    But her slowdown can cause Survivors to 99% multiple Gens then as soon as the Survivor gets the Trap off they pop them or they will pop multiple Gens before the Trap comes off... cause of having 2 minutes to find and take off the Trap... or maybe the Survivor checked 2 boxes and the other Survivors see this and then pop the Gen only for the Survivor to get the Trap off on the next box

    There's a lot to unpack when it comes to her Traps... to get a head pop it's more on the Survivor(s) misplaying her Traps and Gens

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,934

    Catching smart survivors is really rough on Pig. Your strength comes from your inherent slowdown, and the sooner you get it going the better... conversely the longer it takes to get it going the worse you're gonna do.

    The big question for all my fellow Pigs is, are we happy to sacrifice some RBT pressure for better chase?

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Yes, Pig is terrible. You are better off playing a different killer.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,650


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    "And The RBT's are RNG ridden... and that's part of the struggle"

    It is not really RNG anymore. There is a fixed number of searches, so even if the first person gets their trap off after their first search, the other 3 wil lhave two people who will need 4 searches and one who needs 3 searches.

    (It is obviously still RNG if you dont manage to get 4 Traps, but not getting 4 Downs while 5 Gens are completed is more the fault of the Killer...)


    Pig is underrated IMO. Sure, she is a M1-Killer and she is not the strongest, not even close. But she has build-in Slowdown, which is good on its own and better than quite a bunch of Killers. Her stealth and dash should get some Love tho.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited October 2023

    Pig is the best M1 killer in the game. HOW DARE YOU QUESTION PIG SUPREMACY! GET ME MY ÖATS BRÖTHERS. @radiantHero23 @totallynotamegmain @Vanishlord @JPLongstreet @ChurchofPig @AbsolutGrndZer0 @Nun_So_Vile (don't kill me 😝)

    fr tho she's alright she aint the total package out of the box like certain other killers. Her highs can be great, but she has her drawbacks and it's easy to get in your own way if you don't have a good feel for her kit. It also feels like she always needs certain add-ons or combos to do consistently well. There are individual add-ons that should already be basekit on her imo (almost all her browns add-ons including combat straps, JMF, and her Workshop Grease). Ambush, transition, and crouching speed are in dire need of a buff.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    She's on the weaker side of killers and could use some minor buffs but there are certainly worse killers.

    Most Pigs from my games used a Face the Darkness build for massive delay and head pops. It's been a long while since I've seen a Pig but that build is certainly...something.

    You can google the build or maybe someone who plays Pig a lot could explain it. It might be a newb stomper build for all I know as I almost never play her.

  • Donkeybqlls
    Donkeybqlls Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 81

    Did not read because to long, but: wow, Intip my hat to you

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,650


    Pig is a killer of strengths and weaknesses.

    This comes from someone that has over 2k hours on pig.

    The weaknesses: slow Stealth, ambush can be walked away from at most tiles, m1 based killer that struggles with big maps and unfair designed tiles.

    Strengths: only killer that can passively kill survivors, Stealth helps with first hit, can safe Stbfl stacks very easy, ambush (and especially moondash) can outplay tiles most killers can only dream of (my personal favourite being the carpark on Garden of joy), solid addons, the best build in slowdown mechanic in dbd and of course: 🐽

    She's a very solid killer that struggles most against survivors that delay her first down a lot.

    Otherwise she's awesome. Awesome enough for me to stick to her for this long. And I don't plan to give up on her any time soon.

    But I understand why she feels underwhelming to a newcomer in comparison to killers like Blight, Nurse, Wesker, Spirit, Artist, Plague, Pyramid head and the likes.

    She seems to be simple but has a very complex kit that needs a lot of knowledge and understanding to become really scary for your regular soloq - and even SWF - (on comms AND not on comms) teams.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,650