Funny Things You Thought Perk Icons Were

Perks look like ink blots. I'll go first. I thought self-aware was a sail boat floating on water. See the water ripples? The pants are the boat sails.
I always think the resilience perk icon is Megs face for some reason as it would make sense since she’s athletic and that’s what that perk is based around..doing things faster.
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I still see Bitter Murmur as someone flexing their arm even though I know it isn't.
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I thought call of brine was broken bamboo.
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Whispers had always looked like someone breathing out and their breath being shown in tje detail.
More recently Call of Brine looking like a spide thing.
And Blood Rush. I would have never saw Renato and a heart in the perk. Not even sure what I was seeing.
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Unrelenting still looks like a stiletto heel shoe everytime I see it😄
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Wait a minute hold on... It isn't?!
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Oh I'm done with this game! 😭
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I always thought WGLF was David kicking a very wrongly shaped ball...
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10000% THIS
Ive been playing this game for 7 years now, and only realized it was a hand on some ones shoulder a few months ago
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today i learned hooly
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I always see Plot Twist as someone sitting on a toilet
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I always thought Self Care was somebody hitting themself in the arm with a syringe.
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For 5 years I've been wondering why the perk icon doesn't match the perk description
I was saying, “What does a killer showing off his muscles have to do with revealing the aura of survivors when repairing generators? It is illogical and the developers need to change the icon.”
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It is, actually.
It’s a remnant of characters having 5 teachables, from before DbD went into open beta.
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Reason I draw fangs for Spirit
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I originally believed that the Potential Energy icon was Vittorio charging up some form of magic DBZ energy ball and I thought that was really funny
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I thought soul guard had something to do with the seal of metatron at first I thought “is this gonna work like the seal of metatron” in silent hill 3 before realizing it’s an endurance perk that only works when you get picked up from the dying state
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I know it took me longer than it should have to realize Call of Brine was Sadako's eye peeking through her hair and not a broken piece of bamboo.
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I thought this was an upside down question mark.
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I thought it was the eye that saw the fire, not the hook
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Started playing DBD all the way back in 2018 and it took me years to understand this icon.
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What is that?
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LOL I thought desperate measures was a guy playing a piano. I still don't know what it is tbh.
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Yeah I've always seen similar, to be more specific I think it's someone DJing
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It a perk called small game. All it does is keep track of totems in the game and their locations.
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I thought Call of Brine was a bamboo instead the Sadako eye.
I thought Red Herring was a bunny from the side-behind.
I thought Bitter Murmur was a guy touching his biceps.
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Lmao I just saw spies from the shadows up close. I always thought it was a hand inside a glove with only 2 fingers.
I still can't figure out bloody Partystreamers. Still looks like the claw of a lobster 🦞 exploding.
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nah its a fishing hook dont you see the water ripples
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bloody party streamers is somebody cooking strange spaghetti
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i'd always confuse party streamers with this offering for some reason lol
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I can clearly see now that this is Elodie analysing a shard using a small lens... but I first concluded this was her smelling a flower blossom, and I've just continued to believe it ever since...
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I thought call of brine was a piece of bamboo lol