New anti-face camping mechanic actually encourages it.

With the new anti-face camping mechanic in-game, I've noticed that while killers maintain a distance from the hook during the game, as soon as the gates are powered, they stay right next to the hook, even more so than before the new mechanic was implemented. Since killers realize that they will not be penalized for face camping they feel encouraged to do so. This leads to some very toxic end-game behavior that leaves a sour taste in my mouth whenever a game ends that way.
So after the gens are done and the killer has gotten someone on hook, where praytell should the killer go if they want to secure a kill before the remaining survivors escape since the survivors just have to open the exit gates.
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the only moment that the new antifacecamping feel annoying/toxic to me is when all 4 survivors are alive in the EGC, and i am the one being camped, it's quite annoying that after one full game well played i end up as the killer consolation price, and it is annoying because it happen when i finnish the last gen in the killer face, or because i took the killer chasing far away from the gens so that the others can finish the last gen, but if there a 1 or 2 dead survivors, i dont really care, but it would be annyoing if survivors start taking chase without finishing the gen if the killer is close, and take the the chase to gens being worked by other survivors trying to make the killer chase them instead, basically trying to not be camped in EGC, even if it mean other are going to get camped.
to be fair, being camped in the EGC it's nothing new, kilers are not really fans of protecting the exit gates
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Camping in the endgame is bad play now?
Ridiculous. What else is the Killer supposed to do then?
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So let me finish the gen while the killer is there and..he have to let you go because ...? or you commit to the chase, the killer downs you and...he have to leave you ? Protecting the exit gate ...sure when they spawn on opposite side of the map and can be opened in a matter of seconds.
Usually, if you're hooked during the EGC, other survivors may try to rescue you ( and, if they let you die well..that's your teams fault not killer fault ) and the killer may try to capitalize on that and secure another kill or even more. What people fail to understand ( and i have seen so many times ) the game END when survivors are OUT of the gates or dead, NOT when the 5 generators are done, as long one of you is in the game, the game is going on but, many survivors i've seen think "hey we did out gen we won let's escape" and they end up all dead
So no, EGC may be not the best part of the game and can be improved a lot but no matter if you have "played well" the entire game, until you're not out, you are still in game
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the killer has nothing else to do during egc lol also if theyre sitting at a distance that is called proxy camping, not face camping.
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if he is camping me is because i am in either first or second hook, in egc, and of 4 players are alive, he is just camping to get a pity kill, he is not trying to win the game anymore, i hate the idea of being just a consolation price, and no it isn't my team's fault to trow the game when they could just win
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I think the whole thing needs to be scrapped. It's useless and there are plenty of holes in it. Killers still camp while survivors are trying to get you off the hook and your meter is stopped, while you go into second phase or even just die. It's easier to tunnel out a player if the killer proxy camps the hook as by time your safe time is up your hit again. It has encourages more terrible behavior and is not encouraging the patrolling that it was designed to do. Not only that killers are just leaving slugged players at hooks to stop the timer. It was better without it or they need to buff it so the hook teleports to another place.
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i think is fine that it punish survivors for being ambicious with the unhooks, if they cant hide properly and get the unhook, they should run away from the hook, and immediatly, not way to see other survivor, making it obvious that someone else is going for the unhook, it could be faster after the 7 seconds grace period though, maybe increasing it to a 10-12 second grace period, but filling the bar at more than double speed after that, i still think that if there are 4 survivors alive it should work in EGC too
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Was there ever a time when killers wouldn't camp their hook after gates are powered?
This is like killer 101... why on earth would you ever leave your hooked survivor when the gates were powered, unless you were pretty darned sure the survivors couldn't get around you to save them?