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Xenomorph Bug

animalz606 Member Posts: 31

I had just recently discovered this bug when playing a KYF and playing Xeno, so I want to report this since it can be a pain to play with if this happens in a public game.

To explain how this bug occurred, I was stood up on the Nostromo map heading to the ramp down in the very

front (where the circle table is). On the right-hand side of the ramp, I jumped off just as I went into runner mode and the bug began.

*I was still stood up, but in runner mode at the same time

*Any time I moved and turned my head, my camera would have a very weird motion

*My tail was bugged too, the arch seeming a bit bigger. I believe I could also hit things that were higher up too, but this is not confirmed, it just looked like it in the arch

*Whenever I would M1 as well, it looked like I was...pointing? No screech, not swing sound effect, nothing. Just a point

*Not game breaking here, but your left hand is also oddly placed. Unsure how to explain it.

Flame turrets will NOT remove the bug. Once it's on you, it's on you good. This bug also happens in the tunnels, but I never crawled around in them really. This also apparently looks weird to survivors, but I have no clue what it looks like from their POV. Feel free to try and get this bug again and experiment with it, but don't abuse it if it's really OP please. Also, DEVs please fix? 😅

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