Micheal Myers insta kill

macal54 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

With a combo of two perks, judiths tombstone and another, He has the ability to kill healthy survivors when in Evil Within III, and Evil III has an unlimited duration. So essentially He can stalk briefly then kill any survivor within reach and end the game within minutes. Way too powerful, no way to win against him


  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323
    edited October 2023

    Judith's Tombstone and Fragrant Tuft of Hair, but both of them add 200% (400% total) to the stalk needed to reach Tier 3. So, it is not "within minutes" and depending on how survivors play they can have all gens done by the time he gets it, besides both addons (not perks) being Ultra Rare.

    So it is powerful, but you can win against him and you won't see a lot of Myers bringing both those addons for the reasons mentioned.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,863
    edited October 2023

    By the time Myers gets that much stalk, a decent survivor team should be on their last generator. You have to keep in mind that he is giving up hooks and in place going for mori kills. It ends up roughly being the same, you just have to be prepared for it. You can also hard counter it simply by going into a locker or stay repairing on a gen (though the gen one is almost guaranteeing your death).

    If he is getting t3 with those addons within minutes, your team was absolutely feeding him, and that's on the survivor's.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,401

    The addons that allow Myers to kill survivors without even hitting them do need a change, but the specific combination you are talking about is probably the worst way to get kills. It takes a really long time to reach T3 with both addons and if a couple survivors just hide the entire time then it becomes impossible for Myers to ever hit T3.

    It's not even that difficult to tell when the killer is running both either due to how long it takes and how Myers will focus solely on trying to build Play With Your Food and stalking as much as possible.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Yeah it's fun isn't it. I love going against someone who can one shot endlessly.

    Trick is don't let him catch you. I just waste his time heh.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 943

    You can jump into a locker to prevent being tombstoned. You can also stick to repairing a gen: worst case you get the gen done and then get killed, best case his power runs out beforehand. Of course, there is not always a gen or locker around, and oftentimes Myers will pop tier 3 unexpectedly while right on top of someone. But still, there is fairly reliable counterplay. If a Myers stalks a lot, try and not be caught out of position, be ready to jump into a locker.

    I will agree though that Tombstones are bullshit add-ons. Tombstone Piece even more so than Judith's Tombstone, because it doesn't increase the stalk needed by as much and doesn't decrease the movement speed, and one early kill will already often spell GG. The issue with Tombstone more than anything else is that matches with it tend to be boring. Myers will never actually chase anyone, just stalk and get Play With Your Food stacks, then trying to kill someone once tier 3 is 99%'d. There is just no real engaging interaction. You can try and prevent Myers from stalking or make it more difficult, but you can't know what your teammates are doing, and at a fair few tiles there just isn't a good way to do so anyway.

    I get that it's cool for Myers to have this unique aspect, being a horror icon and all. But some changes I think would be in order.

    PWYF should be getting looked at, for one thing. It's been a BS perk ever since its release really, and that literally killing someone with Tombstone doesn't consume a token is pretty laughable. Apart from that, I think the perk would stand to benefit a lot from making it so you get stacks more easily, but don't get as much movement speed from them. Maybe make it so that you get +2% movement speed whenever a chase ends on anyone, up to a maximum of 6%. Bloodlust being disabled by the perk.

    For another thing, I think there should be a more obvious tell that Myers has a Tombstone add-on, potentially even before he enters tier 3.

    A more ambitious rework for the Tombstone add-ons themselves could have to do with Myers having to pin a survivor to a wall to be able to kill them, like he does in the movies. Think of it like a mini Wesker bound, having to slam the survivor into a close-by object. This would give survivors much more interactive counterplay by trying to position away from objects or at least positioning such that they are not caught between an object and Myers. Of course this would have to go along with other changes to the Tombstone add-ons, removing the movement speed and adjusting the stalk amount penalties.

    Myers in general is long overdue for a bit of a touch-up. Particularly the 99%ing of EW3 isn't very desirable. I know it plays into the jumpscare theme, but Myers can have that without the instadown (and especially so with the Mirror add-ons, of course), which makes it BS in a lot of scenarios where the survivor just dies without having been able to do much of anything against it, caught out by surprise or around a hook or the like. Even in movie terms it isn't like Myers is a pure stealth killer that assassinates his victims - after his initial stalking phase, he goes on a murdering rampage and terrorizes his victims with an unrelenting pursuit. The increased lunge range and vaulting speed in the game already suggest that EW3 is supposed to be a chasing power, not something like Ghostface where you get the jump on someone. To complement this better, I think Myers would stand to benefit a lot from making it so that his stalk progress decays over time such that he can't keep it 99'd, but in turn increasing the rate at which he stalks significantly. This would also alleviate the issue with Tombstone that he can just pop it on someone out of nowhere. The exact rates of stalk progression and decay would of course have to be figured out, and tier 1 should probably not decay at all, to be able to guarantee Myers reaching tier 2 reliably.

  • kin
    kin Member Posts: 552

    this combination doesn't need a nerf, but a piece of tombstone does.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Don't let him stalk easily.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    The only games I've had against infinite T3 + Tombstone Myers where he reached T3 before we had done at least 4 gens where games where multiple survivors decided to just stand still and let him stalk them for sh*ts and giggles, and even then he didn't always win.

    This is a strong combination against newer survivors for sure, but once you learn the signs it's really not that threatening anymore.

  • Absent_Ox
    Absent_Ox Member Posts: 3

    OOoo this is a good point, im pretty sure this is the build also known as "infinite tier 3" then again i do agree with people here but also, if its a good myers player they are good at sneakily stalking