Make it so hackers can't hack

So yesterday I played against a hacker. he/she made it so hook times were paused infinite head on collision from a locker couldent be picked up and infinite res I mean downed got back up without anyone agen and agen and agen and flew I stood there and watched him fly and revive himself in mid air then I had a power cut so once I got back on the game I tryed looking for him/her in search for friends so I could report no name came up I'm putting this out there cus hackers bad please do something about it idk what record matches so you have proof n perma ban them from the game is my thoughts
First, You should report this not on the forum but here:
Second, You should not use the name of the hacker in any way here on the forum, its against the rules. (no witchhunts)
Third, If you know anything about hacking, you would understand that its a wide and hard problem to solve for game developers, meaning they will not be able to simply make the game hack proof.
4 -
I just went against a clown that was hacking so badly. I had background player on, and he picked up a survivor, he did not have any speed boosts and he was somehow magically able to keep up with me LOL The hacking is just plain comical and sad at this point.
I am sorry, for real, but I am not going to take videos of it each time. In FFXIV the developers have a way to not only find hackers themselves, but if you call a GM they investigate and do it themselves. I suppose until, if ever, this is implemented, I certainly do not have the patience to record all my matches and hope it catches someone, clip it, upload it somewhere, and then make 2 reports.
Too many steps. Just make it so we can contact a GM and report it and the company investigates the matter. There are TONS of cheaters in FFXIV and they take care of them, tons of people using unfair advantage add ons, but Square Enix bans them, and quickly too. Shoot, they get banned there for just saying certain words to other players. Why is it so difficult to ban hackers here? :(
EDIT: I have a question too - Are we expected to stay in the match and continue playing with a cheater, or are we supposed to exit it? I don't want to involve myself with a cheater/hacker, but I don't want to abandon people either, so I am confused. It is not proper sportsmanship either to expect people to play and entertain hackers. I don't expect an official response, but everything seems to conflict everything.
I understand not being able to make the game hack proof, but at least have a task force dedicated to handling the hackers. Cmon. SQUARE ENIX HAS THIS LOL we are talking about a company that is infamous for not exactly having the best customer service. orz
We have a chat that censors" bad" words (It's subjective.), but a game where toxic behavior is encouraged, and frustrating the other side is encouraged (tunneling, gen rushing, whatever you consider toxic), blood, gore, ripping faces off, eating fingers and yet we are censored in the chat, so yeah, it is just one big confusing contradiction. I went through medical school, and have a degree in acting as well, but I cannot understand the logic here. If someone could explain it, I'd appreciate it.
When I call out a hacker in the chat, it gets censored, that's why I am asking lol. Or I try to tell everyone, hey this person was hacking because of X, please report it as well so we can let the team know. But I guess if you need that video....nope. I am not doing that, it is not my job and I am not getting paid to police a game rampart with hackers.