MFT change is pretty harsh

It seems like it's going onto the scrap heap along with perks like Ruin (almost never seen either as it being a hex with only 100% regression and deactivation as well), CoB, etc
I much prefer it when I have a buffet of good options to pick from and now it's really back to SB, Lithe or BL for exhaustion options. To be honest, I was expecting a nerf to the speed boost as current MFT way outperforms Dark Theory. However, with the proposed change, I don't really see any reason to equip it other than if I know I'll see a Legion or Deathslinger.
I'm all for the necessity of making balance changes but can we not make things almost useless when they happen, please?
People said the same thing about DH. And good. Toss it in the trash heap where it belong.
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Ironically, now you can combine DH and MFT because they're removing the Exhaustion restriction.
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I still wait DH. And at least now, there's an actual downside to running MFT, and an actual activation requirement to funny 3% haste effect.
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BHVR didn't kill this perk. Don't forget about Endurance Status Effect - that's the first thing.
Secondly - Made For This will be good with Dead Hard together. But, you need to press Dead Hard very well to get a value from 3% speed. It requires at least some skill now. You can not get it for free.
Survivors have a lot of strong perks - even stronger than Killer's.
Dead Hard / Sprint Burst / Lithe / Balance Landing / Adrenaline / Hope / Made For This / Unbreakable / Boons / Off The Record / DS / Distortion / Dramaturgy / Windows Of Opportunity / Resilence & more & more... And Survivor Team have 16 perks, not 4 like a Killer - remember that.
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the issue is that the killer can purposely leave you when you have deep wound and detach chases. as a result, you have to mend or you cannot work on generators. DH is also single use perk so once it is activated, it turned off until you get hooked again.
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Yeah why not, instead of balancing it like eruption after everyone complained the nerf was too harsh, just make it a waste of money.
I just love perk bloat on both sides!
FWIW I don't use it and don't need it to make killers rage quit or kite them for five generators. It's just disgustingly sad how there is no middle ground. It's either useless or OP.
Epic failure.
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man really said boons are strong perks lol
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Exactly. And they totally missed my point about how I said we don't need more useless perks and mentioned Ruin and CoB in the same sentence where I mentioned they went into the scrap heap.
I don't want a perk to be just be taking up space for people to flip through until they get to something worth considering equipping.
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All loops becoming easier after getting hit was never a sensible idea in the first place.
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The sad thing about this perk is that, if you're super bad at chase, it can bring you up to normal -- which I think is actually good -- and was fun for me, frankly, because I'm super bad at chase -- but if you're already good at chase, it makes you too strong.
I get why they're nerfing it, but I wish there were some other way to even things out.
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Let's be honest: you guys just got used to a perk that gives you too much literally for free and now you compare it to this. Of course, any perk will be useless if you compare it with free 20% of distance without conditions.
I really love this rework, cause it have conditions and counterplay now while still has plenty scenarios to use. But i understand that many players want to play with completely broken stuff, cause earn something is too hard.
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That's acceptable considering they have to invest have their perk loadout for that and it still has counter-play.
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It requires some skill?
People never wanted to agree that Dead Hard required some skill in the first place
It was always "press E for 3rd health state" as if it was that simple
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Nailed it.
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You can't be serious comaring MFT nerf to Ruin level.
What are these concerns survivor will be unplayable without MFT? Like was it unplayable before its release?
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it's really back to SB, Lithe or BL for exhaustion options.
mft won't deactivate while exhausted anymore. you'll be able to use it with those perks.
as current MFT way outperforms Dark Theory.
even if it was 2% it still would outperform dark theory since you get mft value for absolutely free. should it have been 1%?
i'd go for adding a duration to the perk but whatever, good riddance. low-key i still don't think it will die, people will combo it with otr and ds and make it an anti tunnel perk. just like dh, people will switch to other perks for some time but they will go back to using it eventually. movement speed is just too valuable, hope is 7% which is an insane increase and it's only active in 10% of the match assuming you reach that stage of the game.
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It’s still a good perk solely because of the Endurance effect which is exactly the same as before. That alone makes it good. The speed boost is just an added bonus at this point. You won’t get it every game, and that’s perfectly fine. A speed boost should always have a very specific condition and/or being on a time limit (and being injured was not nearly enough of a restriction for it).
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And people were right. DH's only saving grace is that killers rarely play around it anymore considering how rare the perk has become.
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For me, it's a double kick in the nuts. Not only is the perk now useless for my Survivor games, it also indirectly nerfs my two Killer mains!
Thanks to The Legion being one of the few Killers that this perk will always be very effective against, as well as also countering one of the few decent Trapper add-ons (the yellow one that puts Survivors in deep wound).
Lets not forget the addition of decent Killer haste perks like Rapid Brutality and recent buffs to other perks like Coup De Grace, Furtive Chase and Claustrophobia.
Presumably these were all added / buffed to stop Killers whinging about MFT for months.
Now that MFT's been gutted, will these perks be getting a nerf too?
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No, it's because the perk is ######### now.
A perk that only activates on Deep Wounds is a bad perk.
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It doesn't only activate in Deep Wounds. It grants a 3% Haste when in Deep Wounds. The part where you gain Endurance for healing another survivor is active all the time. Now the Haste is a secondary function that synergizes with itself, and is not impeded by Exhaustion anymore. And that's fine.
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Shirtless Gabe. Come on, Bhvr. What are you waiting FOOOOORRR!!!!!!
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I cant believe they released shirtless Vittorio and Felix after my suggestion and I got no cut.
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Same here. I'm a slinger main and I really enjoy legion. This is especially frustrating for slinger as I love him and already have problems with mft.
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People are going to realize really fast good survivors are still hard to catch without MFT.
Then they’ll will start a mob for the next perk to be changed they feel is unfair.
I am surprised it took this long to gut the perk.
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In the right scenario, CoH is still a good perk to reset the team.
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It deserved the nerf.
We need healthy perks. Not this kind of stuff.
Maybe the game will now finally go into a better direction when it comes to chasing.
No more dh- and MFT-kind of perks pls.
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Why does a game need to have a trash heap for certain content lol. Wouldnt you rather they actually do some work with the money we're all giving and make the entire game playable?
Out of curiosity, what are the perks in this heap? Genuinely curious. I wonder which side has more 'trash' perks lol. Id guess survivor since there's more of them?
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Windows of Opportunity has already received quite a few complaints, so that'll be next, then my guess is probably Sprint Burst.
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If the killer has to break chase then doesn’t that mean the perk has done it’s job?
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@BlightedDolphin Yes, I believe that would be a win for the survivor, right? I dont understand why it would be a bad thing, but if @Devil_hit11 wants to elaborate, maybe Ill find a new perspective! The more, the merrier.
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This was a character selling perk, and I won't change my mind.
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It's the BHVR way of doing things. Every strong perk is going straight into the trash after a balance update because they don't make slight changes.
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Exactly. I've played against Survivors that had no perks (or one single yellow perk) and they still kicked my arse because everyone could loop effectively.
It's useless to potato Survivors like me, but the funny thing is I don't think the nerf will make a big difference to top level play. I'm sure high MMR Killers are going to LOVE seeing it all the time in those frustrating endurance builds. Top Survivors will still be able to get so much value from it.
Imagine how annoying it's going to be in a build with perks like Dead Hard, Mettle of Man, For the People and Buckle Up.
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Agreed. The perk needed to be toned back a bit, but this is far too big of a nerf!
There is no way to consistently procc deep wounds. The most you can do is deliberately run into the killer after being unhooked. Which is a dumb idea that invites the killer to tunnel you out of the game. Or hope that your killer is Legion or Deathslinger.
Using Dead Hard also isn't guaranteed to work since you have to have already been hooked. And even then it's only useable, at most, twice per game.
And a perk that requires you to have a status effect that you cannot have consistently is never going to be chosen over other perks that can give value on demand 100% of the time.
No one is going to use MfT after the next patch. They've given it the Call of Brine treatment.
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I always felt so bad for killers when their perks get nerfed to oblivion. Survivors too.
It's such a mistake, instead of finding a healthy balance, it's just nerf to the ground. Mmm perk bloaaaat.
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So you can play two mediocre Perks to get a mediocre result. If the Killer lets you. Yay.
Nobody says that Survivor is unplayable without MfT. But you cannot deny that it was at least an option and there was more variety. (Unlike when DH was at its strongest, than you saw mainly DH and MAYBE something like Sprint Burst and Lithe, but with Made for This you had a better mix).
But the Perk is dead. That people make mental gymnastics that you can use it with DH or OTR does not change that. And this is sad, because it is a bad way of balancing, but sadly quite frequent when it comes to BHVR. They release something which is a bit too strong and then they nerf it into Oblivion. Sometimes with 1 Patch (Made for This), sometimes with multiple patches (CoH).
To be fair, Legion and Slinger dont have it worse than before. Because MfT works against them before and will continue working against them. (Even tho I think it is debateable for Legion, because you are not forced and even encouraged to leave a Survivor after putting them into Deep Wound)
But they did not get weaker than pre-nerf MfT.
Not sure about this one. I mean, we had those before with Ash and Mikaela, but Singularity should have been enough of a selling argument. Maybe they wanted to go sure after the two Chapters before were not really well-received and it was the Anniversary Chapter, after all.
But that they did not give Nicolas Cage any super-strong Perk also speaks against Made For This being a Cashgrab to sell the Chapter.
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So the part that I've been hearing is completely inconsequential to the strength of the most clearly and indisputably best perk since NOED for the past 4 months is actually strong enough to carry the perk?
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Meaning you need to be in a SWF or have competent teammates with a Killer that has a hatred for snuffing Boons
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The "inconsequential" part is now the primary reason to run it, assuming you don't run other Endurance perks to gain the Deep Wounds effect for the Haste buff, such as Dead Hard or Off the Record. And I'd say 10 seconds of Endurance for healing someone is still a decent perk.
If there's one things these threads have shown to me, it's that people only ever cared about having a free speed buff, which just convinces me further that it deserves to be nerfed.
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I said in the right situation, right?
One full reset or 3 very fast heals is more than enough value in my opinion.
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Because if the killer leaves you then you get zero value from the perk.
If MFT was a big speedboost it would justify how conditional it will be. But contrary to all the hysteria the 3% was only good because it was reliable.
3% quickly becomes lousy when you realize you have to jump through hoops to activate it, nevermind the fact that looping with deep wounds is terrible.
The perk is well and truly dead if this goes live, which is fine. People hated the perk and plenty of other perks have gotten the same treatment.
It is amusing to see so much cope though, I did not realize people had such little game sense to where they argue perks being dependent on running two others to get value is a good thing.
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lol I wholly agree. Ive ran MFT once or twice, and thats it as survivor. It just wasn't good enough for what I'd be losing in my build. Compound that with needing other perks to make it really shine... Nah. Game becomes less fun and more auto-pilot.
But if the killer left me during chase due to this, I don't see that as zero value. IF and thats a big IF the killer dropped chase BECAUSE of this perk, then I've gotten some value from it. But its likely not the reason.
I dont think killers go 'Omg, he's moving 3% faster, I can tell. Nope.' ......but maybe? I'd salute those that can tell lol.
It may be dead indeed. Glad I am unaffected on either side. MFT just made them run into my beartraps quicker. /shrug
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How is existing counterplay an issue? Even if they leave you, you have perk that just saved your from killer.
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Not surprised, considering you thought that 3% "is fine"
Such strong effect can't be consistent, so i'm sure you won't be pleased with any kind of its nerf
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its not even dead, now its not a stupid braindead jack of all trades chase+support perk. Now its relegated entirely to support with some anti tunnel thrown in.
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I'd be pleased if they removed the Endurance.
It didn't make sense for the perk
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No, it's because the game has a plethora of bad Endurance perks like DH or Buckle Up that either require perfect circumstances or other perks in order for them to be remotely viable