Addressing the Bloodpoint Grind

Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,621
edited January 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

The game has been out for a while and with each new killer and survivor added, the grind increases. As of the time of this posting there are 59 survivor perks and 54 killer perks. Assuming an average of 50,000 bloodpoints per web on average (pretty close to reality), that is 8,850,000 bloodpoints for survivors and 8,100,000 bloodpoints for killers to get all perks to rank 3 per character. This isn't factoring in prestiging at all. So if you wanted all 14 killers to have all their perks at rank 3 that is 113,400,000 bloodpoints. Again, no factoring in prestiging. You can add another roughly 4 million bloodpoints per character for prestige 3.

That is pretty insane if we are being honest with ourselves. Once you've reached that peak, it isn't outrageous to maintain. Going back and doing 9 bloodwebs per character and grinding out the new characters before the next new ones are released is doable. But god forbid you are new to the game or have something resembling a life. At some point for the long term health of the game these issues will need to be addressed. Here are a few suggestions.


This is the population that has it the worst. They are in for one helluva grind just to get things going. That is why I recommend that new players start with all characters they have access to be at level 15 with the corresponding amount of perks, add ons, and offerings that amount of bloodwebs would offer. They should also start the game with 1,000,000 bloodpoints in the bank. With the free 15 levels and million bloodpoints that would be enough to get one character close to level 50. This would make entry into the game more bearable.

I've considered the idea of a 3 to 7 day bloodpoint boost for new players, but I think that will potentially backfire when they suddenly start getting half as many bloodpoints and don't really understand why. New players should also get a prompt advising them to spend at least 100,000 bloodpoints when they first log in so they don't waste earned bloodpoints from their first couple of matches.


If a player hasn't logged in for at least 2 weeks, they should get a 250,000 welcome back bloodpoint bonus. If by chance this bonus would put them over the cap, they should still get the bonus but be advised to spend bloodpoints before any new bloodpoints can be earned. We want to encourage players to return.


I believe that characters should start with their teachable perks at whatever rank they are prestiged at. So for example, if I prestiged up Legion to prestige 3, they would have Discordance, Mad Grit, and Iron Maiden at perk rank 3. I also believe that each time a character prestiged up they should get to keep one non-teachable perk they've unlocked per prestige rank. So using our Legion example again, lets say I get Bloodhound to rank 2 when I'm at level 50 and I really like the way that perk interacts with Legion so when I get prestige 1 I decide to keep Bloodhound.

When I reach prestige 1 level 50 I manage to get Bloodhound to perk rank 3 and lucky me, I got BBQ to rank 2. When I get prestige 2 I decide to keep both of those perks. I would now also have all of my teachable perks at rank 2. So I continue the grind with Legion and get to Prestige 2 level 50. I now have Bloodhound rank 3, BBQ rank 3, and I found I really like the way Monitor & Abuse work with Legion so I decide to keep all 3 of those perks when I get prestige 3. I also have Legions teachables at rank 3.

One other thing I would like to see related to the Prestige system is a bloodpoint transfusion system. Once a character reaches level 50 I think they should be able to pay an bloodpoint exchange cost for items and add ons. So for example, if I wanted to exchange one add on for a different one of the same rarity of my choice it would cost me 100% of the cost. So I could pay 3,000 bloodpoints to exchange say Chainsaw File for Spark Plug or 4,000 bloodpoints to exchange Long Guide Bar for Primer Bulb. Players that prestige would get a discount to this cost. Nothing insane, like 10 to 15 percent per prestige rank.


I realize that some of this will be considered controversial. I'm asking everyone to look at the big picture issue here. It is no secret that survivors gain far less bloodpoints than killers. This is by any given metric too. Bloodpoints per game, bloodpoints over a given period of time, bloodpoint bonuses, etc. Considering that 80% of the population in a given game is survivors, playing as a survivor needs to be made more attractive. Especially in terms of bloodpoints earned.

We're Gonna Live Forever. This perk is far inferior to the killer's BBQ perk. Forget the secondary function. Let's just focus on the bloodpoint bonus aspect. Killers gain a token for each different survivor they hook, at rank 3 this amounts to 100% bloodpoint bonus for hooking all 4 survivors. Considering that this is the primary goal of the killer, it is relatively easy to achieve. We're Gonna Live Forever (WGLF from here on) isn't like that at all. WGLF gains tokens for unhooking and taking a hit for a nearby injured survivor. Neither of those things are the primary mission of survivors. As such, gaining the tokens is somewhat random.

WGLF should be tied to survivors primary objective. Finishing generators. Survivors should gain 1 token for each generator completed and gain 10/15/20 % bonus for each token gained. If survivors finish all 5 generators, at rank 3 that is 100% bloodpoint bonus. This alone would go a long way to fixing the bloodpoint disparity. Killers, you should really get behind this since it would encourage survivors to run a perk that doesn't increase their survivability. That is one less slot for Self Care, Decisive Strike, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, etc.

Survivors should also have their bloodpoint category limit addressed. Survivors gain bloodpoints for a variety of different activities, but can't earn more than 8,000 bloodpoints per category. This makes reaching the bloodpoint cap particularly difficult for survivors. For instance, if a survivor is being chased by the killer all game they will only earn 8,000 bloodpoints for the chase category and maybe 5,000 if they survive. That player may have done the most to help his/her team survive but was never even given an opportunity to work on generators or help other survivors.

Likewise, maybe a team has 3 players who are playing musical chairs on the hooks, but one survivor is diligently working on generators the whole game. That player who finished 4 generators by him/herself obviously contributed greatly to their teams survival, but again is capped at 8,000 for working on the generators and maybe 5,000 for surviving. What I propose is that after reaching the 8,000 bloodpoint limit per category that 50% of future bloodpoints earned in the same category go into a general pool. This general pool will never exceed what a survivor could earn if they had max bloodpoints in all categories (32,000).

One other thing that should be addressed for survivors is the risk factor. Survivors assume 100% of the risk in this game, but are given far less rewards than their risk warrants. For this reason, I think survivors should gain a 2,000 bloodpoint bonus just for playing a survivor that is independent of any bloodpoint category.


One last thing I would like to address is rank 1 play. There should be a reward for all this effort. Once a player gets to rank 1, there is currently nothing. What I recommend is that when players earn pips at rank 1, they gain 10,000 bonus bloodpoints per pip earned. This would encourage players to get to rank 1 and care about the results while also helping with the bloodpoint grind issue.


What I would like to see done is make it so when you have all 3 teachable perks unlocked on a character, you have the ability to toggle one of them locked. For example, if I have Predator, Bloodhound, and Shadowborn unlocked on the wraith I would be able to turn off Shadowborn and have that perk not show up as a perk option on the bloodweb. This obviously wouldn't effect active bloodwebs. I feel like the current system punishes long term for decisions that were made without full knowledge of how the game works. This would help players get the perks they actually care about sooner and make the grind less awful.

Post edited by Dreamnomad on


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,621
    edited January 2019

    TLDR version:

    New players start with all characters at level 15. They also begin game with a million bloodpoints in the bank. Players that return after not logging in for at least 2 weeks get a 250,000 bloodpoint return bonus. Players that prestige have their teachable perks equal to their prestige rank. Players that prestige also can pick 1 perk per prestige level to keep.

    Introduce new system to exchange items and add ons for a bloodpoint cost with a discount offered per prestige rank. Change WGLF to "Gain 1 token for each generator completed. Gain 10/15/20 % bonus to all bloodpoints earned per token. Bloodpoint bonus is applied after game is over." Address bloodpoint category cap issue. Address survivor risk/reward issue. Players at rank 1 should gain 10k bonus bloodpoints per pip earned. Make it so when you have all 3 teachable perks unlocked on a character, you have the ability to toggle one of them locked.

    I know it's long, but I encourage reading the whole post for context and details.

    Post edited by Dreamnomad on
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,621

    One more concept to help address the grind issue.

    Teachable Perks

    What I would like to see done is make it so when you have all 3 teachable perks unlocked on a character, you have the ability to toggle one of them locked. For example, if I have Predator, Bloodhound, and Shadowborn unlocked on the wraith I would be able to turn off Shadowborn and have that perk not show up as a perk option on the bloodweb. This obviously wouldn't effect active bloodwebs. I feel like the current system punishes long term for decisions that were made without full knowledge of how the game works. This would help players get the perks they actually care about sooner and make the grind less awful.

  • Shi
    Shi Member Posts: 156

    I support turn on/off teachable perks idea.