So we're just ignoring the mass amounts of cheaters?

Y'all sleeping over there? Or just willfully ignoring the mass amounts of people cheating? Obvious wall hacks, speed hacks, etc. Reports don't seem to do anything even with video proof as I run into the players again.
BHVR generally doesn't talk much about what they are doing to help combat cheaters, because tipping cheaters off just gives them time to find other work arounds.
And the last time there was a huge cheating problem, there was a huge ban wave after a massive anti-cheat update. Ultimately the best thing to do is to report cheaters when you can as BHVR quietly works on the issue.
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There are no mass amounts of cheaters. Just the same amount as in every other online game.
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That could simply show the devs cracking down more, rather than there being more cheaters.
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There's also a lot of people accusing killers of hacking as well for no reason...
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three things: first, there was an influyx due to free accounts on epic. Second, the more they ban, doenst mean there are more cheaters. third, there are much more activities from bhvr banning for diefferent reasons besides cheating. I have seen maybe a handful of them thhis whole year in my own games and iam playing playing like 3hours per day. Also i dont see more of them in any one of those streamers i follow, differing in all kinds of mmr ranges. those numbers are just due to the influx and the increased actions of banning. there is no mass maount of cheaters. thats already long ago.
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see this way more often than people actually cheating
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I haven't really seen it, bud. I play a lot and cheaters were rampant a year ago or so. Not really seeing it now. Maybe the occassional sus game. But a lot of it has to have been severely hampered.
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People can't handle losing, don't want to practice and get better so they cheat. There is cheats available all over the internet. There are streamers who actively cheat while streaming yet they still have accounts.
It's becoming more and more clear that the Devs don't care about cheating. Would be nice if a killer could DC w/o a penalty when reporting cheaters. Why be stuck in a match with a person that can outrun the killer (and have no speed perks equipped). Literally played against an Ada who had the adept build, yet she sprinted from gens, ran like she had Made Fort This after being hit, vaulted and had a burst of speed like Lithe. It was crazy to watch, recorded, reported and.... nothing back.
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It is only a severe punishment to be necessary for a selfish person abusing cheat and a glitch.
I let a game decline, and their existence is annoying to many people
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Not saying there arnt alot of cheaters, I'm just saying that doesn't necessarily mean there is MORE than before. Just shows they are cracking down on more.
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That’s why I screen steam profiles before a game. Anyone who has been banned before = leave lobby
If I can’t trust the game to be cheater free, I’ll do my own filtering to minimize the amount of potential cheaters I get.
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Some people forget play with your food is a thing but when killer is way too fast on first chase with no stacks then it's obvious there's something going on.
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If only that was 64k cheaters... That's 64k accounts. Since they don't hardware ban and simply ban the account, you'll find the same cheaters just making a new account. Having your account banned stings for NORMAL players, but the cheater with speed hacks and Xray vision doesn't care that his perks aren't available anymore.
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I had Save the Best For Last. I got falsely accused of hacking for running a perk and the survivor experiencing a skill issue against a M1 killer.
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Game is full of cheaters atm and they are trying to hide it with mft and hope and other haste perks, literally had a cheater while playing vanity mirror Myers and saw him speeding up behind walls and the guy shamelessly was telling me that it's his perks that gave him the speed boost. He was running MFT, Hope, Distortion, Power of Two he was aware that he could be seen with aura reading most probably that's why Distortion was there but it was easy to get rid of his stacks with Vanity Mirror. He did not heal anyone the entire game for power of two to work cuz I deliberatly commited to him but yet he still had the speed boost I ended up having Bloodlust 3 and still could not catch up to him. I think that the hackers are not using an actual speed boost but just making perks activate without having their condition made.