Hex Rework Idea...

Unam Member Posts: 118
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

There is something on the new chucky Hex, that was implemented before on Plaything or Face the Darkness...

These Hexes have a prerequisite and only activate if this task is completed (e.g. injure/hook a surv or get stunned).

Why dont we add this kind of "activation requirement" to every hex?

It would immediately kill the "Survs spawn on hex and delete a complete perk of a killer without any means of counter play" situation at once.

Hexes Could be more Powerful again (and would be the risk/reward perk they are intented to be) bcs killers have to do something to get them active while micro managing survs.


  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    I actually agree and think they should try this with basically every hex. Devour for example could light up a totem after 2 survivors get unhooked. Ruin could be buffed (because a requirement on it would make it weaker than it already is) and only light up after 1 gen is complete etc. Perks like devour could stay as they are without a base buff since making the totem hidden until 2 unhooks would already be a buff for something like devour.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    What about Haunted Grounds? How would it light up?

    Also I think it would be nice if they were still bound to specific totems, so if you cleanse the dull you can pre emptively get rid of the hex, this would actually make it so survivors have a reason to cleanse dulls, other than NOED, we could even increase the cleansing time so it doesn't go faster before the hex can spawn. I just like the idea of having incentives to cleanse dulls besides Noed ^^