Facing Skull Merchant still a miserable experience.

My last match was against a SM.

The killer was camping base with drones all the way around the access to the basement.

We couldn't loop her around the place in short time before be exposed by the drones.

SM can't be saved. Such a terrible character.


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,445

    I don't think there's much more the devs can or will do about her. At this stage she's one of over 30 killers so I tolerate her. The way I see it is this - it's a win if I escape against her, but it's also a win if she kills me. The latter is particularly a win if it's a slog of a game.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Fun is subjective. I find her fun to VS and play as much more than before. You can't denine the rework is succesfull because 3Gen Merchant was ultra unhealthy and hold match for XX minutes.

  • pumpkinmiceTTV
    pumpkinmiceTTV Member Posts: 7

    I kinda missed the fallout and outrage that ensued when Skull Merch chapter dropped, as I took a break away from DBD some time after the Knight chapter came out, tho I kinda came back after some time later and peeped Steam discussion forums/DBD subreddit and was confused about all the hate the skull merchant got despite it being a couple months or so since after SM was released and was like "am I missing some kind of inside joke?"

    Then I queued for a couple matches and I'm kind of a solo queuer but like I would never get any survivors that would actually try to play the game normally (either immediate DC upon finding out it's Skull Merch or like pulling themselves on the hook after being downed) what a joy, haha

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236
    edited November 2023

    I know they have different teams rotate on killer designs. The teams that designed Knight and Skull Merchant seem to be fascinated by the possibility of a killer power that allows players to win without moving their mouse/right analog stick.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    You and what, 3 other people? While it is true that fun is subjective, if the vast majority of people literally abhors her, maybe (just maybe eh?) she's still a problem

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    Yeah so I still don't know what to do against her if she plops drones down on the three closest gens and refuses to leave the area all game.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 955

    I don’t mind since she can’t hold games hostage anymore.

    60 minutes to five minute matches is something I can take any day.

  • Patokiller
    Patokiller Member Posts: 112
    edited November 2023

    One little correction, I didn't wanted to mean "exposed" as the stats of the game, but exposed as the fact that her drones were giving her our locations and as a non coordinated squad we coudn't organize nothing decent to help that suvivor that was being proxy camped at his first hook.

    A SWF, using a software with a full-time communication would easily save that guy from the basement, but that wasn't the situation. We were 4 solo queuers. I mean, alot of killers still can face camp, SM is one of them, especially at RCPD in straight corridors.

    I have 4k hours playing this game. Believe me friend.

  • Patokiller
    Patokiller Member Posts: 112

    GannTM you're absolutely correct.

    She fails aesthetically and in her gameplay.

    Rework her would cost so much efforts that maybe BHVR realized that she is a mistake and they should never repeat that again. Spending resources and time from the devs to correct her can be more laborious than making a brand new character.

    To BHVR it's a lose lose situation, if they correct her she will be a mistake corrected and they did nothing then they role as developers, if they do a mistake AGAIN they will prove to everyone that they simple made something so terrible that can never be corrected.

    Maybe let her weak enought to never be picked up, and being terrible boring that no one will want to play her is the best situation.

    She's like an ancient estatue, meaning and remembering BHVR devs of terrible mistakes that should never be repeated.

  • Zraith
    Zraith Member Posts: 143

    no it is not, this was supposedly the only thing they had to do right and they did not.

  • Etherelda
    Etherelda Member Posts: 28

    SM just mind breaks survivors at this point. People just give up the monent they see her.