Naughty Bear more frequent voice lines

PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I asked for Naughty 2 years ago. I made a sculpture and posted it here back in May of 2021. I’m a fan. I kinda feel like the catalyst for him being in DBD….maybe. Feel free to look at the old post. When I was watching videos trying to decide on buying the cosmetic I realized the voice lines are not heard much. After playing Chucky in the PTB I heard him talking constantly and it really sells the character. I loved it. Naughty should get audio lines every hit and down, maybe during other actions like placing traps, breaking pallets, and possibly when he loses a chase. I haven’t watched many videos, but the ones I did I wished I heard the narrator more.

Edit. I posted in the share your art and now that I’m looking at my discussion I don’t see any of the sculptures. Art the clown, the Spirit, Michael Myers and Naughty Bear. You can see them on @torcherglass on IG if they’re not here anymore
