Switch Killers Have it Rough

Why can't the Switch port run at least 30 FPS? That's all I ask - just a stable framerate so I don't have to work ten times harder than every other platform to get the same result of even one kill per game.
Yeah, we do have it pretty rough. The game runs slow, the view distance is horrible, the fps dips quite frequently, the maps are incredibly dark, and the game overall looks like doodoo. Honestly the only reason why I still play on switch is because I have a lot of stuff on there, I really don't want to start over again.
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Because BHVR can give you an unoptimized POS and you will still pay for it? They make more money from PC and next gen consoles, they don't care about switch and last gen, they'll still take your money though.
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As someone who started the game on Switch, then moved onto PS4 and eventually the PS4 version on a PS5, I can safely say I will never be returning to the Switch version. It’s really that bad in terms of performance and even graphical quality.
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Playing this game on a Switch is love for something I can never fathom. You truly are a fan.
They wont bother giving you a better experience because you'll continue buying the DLC and new skins anyway, along with everyone else.