MMR needs removed.

Per the title. All it does it make the game bad for both sides.
It would be good for soloq but at the high rank, you will always face against some sweaty nurse and blights, literally all the time
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It would be good for soloq but at the high rank, you will always face against some sweaty nurse and blights, literally all the time
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ah yes because being new and getting curb stomped by 12,000 hour killers without escape feels so much better than the system we have now that is marginally less unfair than that.
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Just return to ranks but leave current rank reset. Players who play a lot and win a lot will play against each other.
Also we would also have some not so sweaty matches in-between unlike now. It would be more fun.
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If anything, matchmaking needs to be more strict, doesn’t matter which metric it’s based on.
Let the sweat boys play each other so the rest can have a better time.
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Erhm... define bad in this context?
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Nah. As a killer main, I prefer mmr. Games would be too easy without it. I'm already 4king every match depending on the killer I play.
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Honestly idk. 1 year ago (so when I first started playing) it felt awful, but then again I was trash at the game lmao, it definitely feels like it's improved since then. You have good games, you have semi-decent games but then you have really bad games and you can kind of tell the bad players are just new.. so, maybe it's more to do with new players being put in really low MMR lobbies when they first come to play rather than actual MMR rating?
And no I'm not trying to have a dig at you or your MMR.
Maybe it's also time we had new ranks to climb as well? We should definitely have at least 2 more ranks after iri to climb.