My idea for anti-tunneling

Just thought this up the other day as a possible means to make tunneling less appealing. Quick disclaimer, I would love to see tunneling completely disappear from the game or neutered to the point where it’s just plain ineffective, however I believe it should coincide with a slew of killer buffs so that killers can play their game without tunneling and still not have an impossible time of achieving a 4K.
My idea:
When a survivor gets unhooked, if the killer so chooses to chase that survivor again, down them and hook them before they hook another survivor first, that survivor will still remain in whatever hook stage they were previously, but just continue the timer from where they were previously.
For example: Killer chases Meg after she’s been unhooked 25 seconds into her first hook stage, downs her and hooks her again, she is still in first hook stage with 35 seconds before she hits second hook stage. She remains in that first hook stage until someone else gets hooked or the 60 seconds pass. If killer chooses to face camp, then that’s when the basekit 100% unhooking mechanic comes into play. It also doesn’t count as another hook event so the killer will still technically only have 1 hook if Meg was the only survivor that they hooked during the game.
To add to this, a survivor that has been hooked twice in a row will have a base 15 seconds Endurance and Haste as opposed to the standard 10 seconds (of course unless Borrowed Time/Babysitter/etc was in play).
This mechanic could possibly be removed when one survivor has been sacrificed when the game is at a point where it gets more difficult to hook different survivors. Or you can just leave it on if you feel it wouldn’t get in the way.
What do you think?
The only real problem with this is survivors will use the fact they are effectively hook immune to body block and take hits for their teammates. Against your regular soloQ team this would likely be fine and is actually quite a neat idea, but against an organised SWF it would be highly abusable, similar to how old Decisive Strike was used.
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Just make DS like it used to.
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True. There would need to be some sort of implementation to make that strat not as effective. I’d sometimes hear about making it so that the survivors would have no collision but idk how much I’m a fan of that idea.
I’m ultimately trying to come up with a basekit way of countering tunneling without resorting to perks. Although I do agree DS should go back to a 5 second stun while keeping the deactivation upon conspicuous action/endgame.
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If it came with the killer buffs you mentioned and safeguards so it can't be abused than I have no issue with this. I don't think people actually want to tunnel, sometimes the game state just gives you a choice, tunnel or lose.