What if DBD characters in fighting games?

The Nemesis Supremacy if only devs gave him rocket launcher.
Post edited by Astel on0 -
Play this game for sure.
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Artist would be the only one strong enough to beat Nicolas Cage.
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Who is first one?
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Fahkumram from Tekken 7. He's a playable DLC fighter.
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I'd genuinely love to see DBD characters show up in fighting games. Maybe BHVR could even have a dedicated one made like the upcoming PvE and Supermassive games...
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DbD already has a lot killers and even some survivors would make sense ( David, Haddie ) in fighting game. I'd like to see this genre game for DbD.
Survivor sacrifices was not enough for Entity, so she decided make killers fight with each other as well.
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It would be conflicting though, if killers and survivors were equally strong in the 1v1. I mean, imagine David going against Nemesis and beating him or even just barely losing. How would that make sense the next time he gets chased by him in the base game?
I'm not against the idea of a DBD themed fighting game but they'd have to find a way around the conflicting implications here.
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Nemesis is licensed, i meant og characters only.
But Entity is power role here, she would give some powers to survivors. And some humanoid killers (Legion, SM) as well.
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Nemesis was only an extreme example. The same would go for every other killer. If survivors are strong enough to have fighting chance in the 1v1 the one moment and then can't do anything but flee in the 1v4 the next moment, this looks weird.
I guess you could try and explain it with the Entity giving special powers to the survivors to make it more equal but still that'd be a bit weird. One moment the Entity wants a 1v1 on fair terms, the next she wants a 1v4 with the killer as the power role. If they found a way around this, then I'd be all for it. But if not, then I'd have my reservations.
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Man oh man. That Lung reminds me of Blanka's Crouch + Fierce Punch poke.
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Yes please! This would be amazing!
Just imagine how cool the combos would look with Singularity slipstreaming his opponents!
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Thanks for giving me an excuse to repost my dbd fighting game select menu mockup.
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Legion would make for a cool rushdown fighter ong
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I would 100% play a dead by daylight fighting game, I've always loved fighting games. I'd main hillbilly I feel like he'd make a really good grappler.
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I’ve felt for years that BHVR should go all-in on making their own fighting game, and the roster needs to consist of every original DBD Killer character. A mix of Killers/Survivors would be awesome as well, and even more of a turn-on for many, getting to play as their fav Survivor having their own powers or special moves.
I think the success percentage of the endeavor would be much higher than many may expect, and the astonishment of DBD mains everywhere to finally play a balanced game with these beloved alumni would be SO worth it!
Wish just BHVR had the means (employees/funding) to make a fighting game alongside making DBD healthy n balanced.
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They did license out DBD to two other studios for those upcoming games they mentioned in the anniversary stream, so they could theoretically do the same for a fighting game company.
Though I think one of them is a company owned by BHVR? Don't quote me on that.
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How did you see it from this
to this?
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We have different reference materials. I was thinking more CvS 2. The newer games he twists more and he is not as extended straight out and stiff-looking visually (giggity). Chun-Li works too 😁.
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Well that’s half the battle, anyway🥳
Gotta somehow get BHVR motivated and hyped enough in the notion to actually follow through🙏🏼
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Cote did mention at one point during an interview that he knew a guy who could put Trapper in Mortal Kombat, make of that what you will.
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I absolutely Love MK1 despite the negativity some have voiced... but, it’s whatever… ppl will always opinionatedly take issue to anything, even in fighting games; Though, most of the disgruntlement is against WB and not NRS.
WB is micro transaction heavy, unfortunately, but regarding NRS, a DBD fighting game in the vein of MKX or Injustice 2 would be supreme… obviously there are smoother games, however these seem most fitting in comparison.
That MC could get characters into MK could open the door to BHVR’s own game,
and I’m waay too hype n filled w hope about all of this, smh😄 too silly
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I could see someone like The Trickster being a guest fighter in Mortal Kombat.
I would only hope that we would get Johnny Cage as a survivor for DBD 🤓
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Not sure if your being facetious, but
You needed this emoji instead👉🏽😎
So, someone on the forums made a discussion on something like, “Who would equal Nick Cage as a survivor?” I think it was referring to the female equivalent, but imagining Johnny Cage’s personality and one liners in DBD, he’d make for a excellent Survivor!
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I personally would like a dbd fighting game in the same vein as Terrordrome: Rise of the Boogeyman, but with the same level of gore as in Mortal Kombat.
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Wasn’t privy to that, had to investigate… looks great!
Watched this vid the other day of someone who is conceptualizing on their own horror icon themed fighting game. Sth like this also would be appealing for DBD.
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@C3Tooth Those animations/pictures look amazing... and they do fit her to a point (LOL)
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Nemesis was in MVC:I
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Technically Jill was in MvC2 (and 3,) and Chris Nemesis and Wesker were all in MvC3 as well
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It looks like a combination between mortal kombat and both terrordrome games, honestly it's probably the closest dbd would get to as well if they did a fighting game, although the difference would be the realms as the stages instead and 60% of the fighter roster consisting of original killers.
Honestly, i think it's more likely that Trapper or some other killer appear in another fighting game as guest character than it is bhvr actually making their own fighting game, although seeing as they have other companies to work on spin-off games for them, i guess it could still be equally likely.
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I see some Epic Fights:
Pyramid Head vs Knight
Hag vs Demo
Booba vs Billy
Nurse vs Dredge
Freddy vs Skull Merchant
Wesker vs Blight
Twins vs Chucky
Deathslinger vs Huntress
Onryo vs Wraith
Pig vs Trapper
Ghostface vs Myers
Clown vs Plague
Cenobite vs Doctor
Legion vs Spirit
Oni vs Blight
Trickster vs Huntress
Alien vs Demo
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Actually come to think of it, Leatherface and the Xenomorph were in Mortal Kombat X as well