My New Killer Idea The Witch

The witch is able to inflict poisonous wounds onto survivors with her poisonous claws.Just like the Cannibal she can either hit the survivors with her left claws which doesn’t have poison and hit just like any normal killers or with her right hand which does contain poison but has a decreased lunge.40 seconds after being hit with the poison the poison starts to affect the survivors movement speed. After 30 seconds the survivors movement speed is reduced by 5 percent, after 50 seconds the survivors movement speed is reduced by 10 percent and after 70 seconds they instantly turn into a dying state, if she hits the survivor while they are injured and have the poison just like with any normal killer the will be put into the dying state. The only way the survivors can get rid of the poison is by going to one of the 3 tiny houses that belong to the witch (able to easily fit on any map) and using a special medkit attached to the wall that can only be used to heal a survivor with poison to heal themselves . The witch can open the doors and check wether a survivor is in the tiny house just as fast as killers would check lockers, infact you can use those houses to hide but if you are in the house and don’t have the poison the entity will reveal your aura to the witch, if the witch checks the house and your in there she will grab you and can carry to a hook . Only one survivor can heal themselves in the house at a time.If they had the poison for less than 30 seconds they take 15 seconds to heal themselves from the poison.If they had the poison for more than 30 seconds it should take them 30 seconds to heal themselves. Unlike the legion while the witch uses her power her speed does not increase and locations of other survivors will not be revealed to her but her power has no cool downs meaning she can use her power whenever she wants to and as many times as she wants to.This power will be extremely helpful for the witch if she is getting pallet looped because she just has to hit the survivor once and follow him/her if the survivor is good at pallet looping. The best a survivor can do is hide or rely on his/her survivors to intervene. This power should help the witch almost definitely put the survivor into the dying state by simply not loosing track of the survivor. Of course the survivor still can waste 70 seconds of the witches time while other survivors will be doing gens so her power isn’t too powerful so that she can’t be too good to be in the game. The best way too play the killer is by hitting multiple survivors at once with the poison and following one of them which both slows the game down and lets you get a survivor and hook them. Her power also allows her to be very good at high ranks as pallet loopers will be forced to run away from her and not to intervene. The witch has 115 percent base movement speed so she is among the fast killers.And while you might be asking how is she not worse than the cannibal who can simply insta down survivors? She makes up for her inability to instadown. First of all she has a 24 meter terror Radius while the cannibal,hillbilly,Myers in tier 3,trapper,wraith,nurse and doctor have a 32 meter terror Radius giving the witch the same speed as these killers but also a smaller terror radius than these killers. This helps the witch massively as killers with a terror radius as small as the witches have 110% movement speed other than Freddy but the witch has 115% movement speed and a reduced terror Radius making it much more easier for her to find and hit any survivors doing gens or walking out in the open. This is my idea on what the next killer could be, I made my ideas as unique as possible tell me in the comments section below what you think abou the idea.
You might wanna move this to the fan made section1
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Just sounds like a better if the legion didn't already have enough problems being outclassed....
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PigMainBigBrain said:
Just sounds like a better if the legion didn't already have enough problems being outclassed....
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Thanks for your ideas guys
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