New roadmap

I dont know why im kinda scared of some of those changes.
Also hope that ""killer tweaks"" are a little more creative that "X addon do this 1% better" like slinger aiming addons.
I guess:
Nerf for STBFL, mangled, sloppy.
Buffs for Grim Embrace quick gambit
Rework Shadowborn and M&A because Fov slider.
Doctor basekit discipline.
Demo can destroy/replace portals now.
Clown get killswitched because bug.
Also cries in Knight, Nemi and Doritohead for no addons tweaks.
The forgotten One (REWORK!):
But I have to say thank you to BHVR to show us this roadmap. This is FAR BETTER communication with the customers than in previous years. Sadly, the biggest Slasher-Icon in Horror-History is finally, even after years of fighting for him, The forgotten One.
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cool the hag getting something
Didnt the last time hag got an update was back in 2018? lol
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I'm truly curious about the solution for 3-gens. Will it be a good idea or something that'll get exploited easily?
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I bet skull merchant eated all the time for freddys rework.
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#bringbackSadako IS REAL!!!
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I rly worry about two upcoming changes:
Sadako - lets face it. The only thing that made her from D tier to A tier is condement lethality and how strong it can be while still maintaing weak chase. Now "bring closed to OG" and "Looking at condement" sounds totaly like nerf to me. You will have to give her some rly good chase power (lika phasing through windows pallets, etc. Something...) or she will end up in D tier again with nothing interesting going on for her. I am scared for her tbh.
STBFL - nerf inc. I don't think this perk tbh deserves nerf. It is great perk for Killers who M1 (so weaker to mid tier) who lack strong chase. Nurse, Blight, Spirit won't care but someone like Wraith or Slinger will for sure.
The rest sounds good and thank God for FOV slider and Blights addon nerfs.
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More like "Bring the D tier sadako back that had nothing lethal or interesting going on for her other than being weaker wraith."
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Who knows? Maybe the reason for the delay is BHVR actually have some serious clout now to actually barter for the real Freddy.
Not that I aim to start any rumours, but if the last year has told us anything, BHVR are not ignoring the community, and given their recent work, it's not an unreasonable assumption that they could well have a lot of plans for Freddy in the not too distant future.
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Wow thanks for the confirmation.
Hope for demodoggo to replace portals at least like hag or singularity.
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sadako is one of the most miserable killers to play against now, she definitely needs changed.
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So the Twins are finally getting their update? I'm pretty curious to see what BHVR has done with them, seeing as it's taken so long. Hopefully it's substantial.
Freddy is nowhere to be seen. Disappointing but predictable.
Sadako getting another rework is interesting. Hopefully she ends up with some sort of skill expression instead of just spamming teleport constantly.
UW never really bothered me, but I'm eager to see what they do with DS.
I assumed BHVR would rework gen spawns to deal with 3 gens, but it doesn't sound like that's what they are doing. I'm not sure why they want to preserve 3 genning at all. It's no different than playing against SM. Long matches that bore everyone to death.
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But she was miserable to play as before the changes, too. I had misgivings but I think she came out of the rework a much stronger Killer. Maybe too strong? I don't think I've survived a Sadako since she was buffed.
There must be a happy medium but I don't know what that would look like.
I'm pleased to see the bloodweb improvements (leveling up a new character on console is agony) and a possible nerf to Sloppy (I hate this perk). I'm hoping Pig gets a buff to her crouch movement speed.
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agree, she got OVERBUFFED, and i hope they nerf her to a reasonable level.
im a solo q survivor gamer, so playing against her is absolutely MISERABLE.
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I got a soft spot for Twins and Grims Embrace, I hope they do them justice. Pretty exciting stuff but it’s BHVR so, I’m going to go ahead and mentally back up these plans by three months (in my head) for better accuracy purposes lol
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That has more to do with you and your teammates than Sadako herself. She still is gimmicky and weak when you fully understand her power.
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doesnt make it any less miserable if my teammates dont understand how to play against her.
i see what you mean, but she is overtuned currently and many streamers have stated this as-well.
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I hope they removed the chase music.
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That's honestly just uninformed and wrong.
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Some concerning things on the list, but the devs have earned a little faith in recent years, so I'll wait to see how it shakes out before I comment too concretely.
Still, not super enthused by STBFL and Mangled/Sloppy being listed here. I'll wait and see, of course, but I really don't see those things needing changes.
But, by the same token, there's stuff on here that's way overdue like the Blight addon changes and the FOV slider, plus some stuff that's just kinda interesting and exciting like Clown and Doctor changes, so it's overall still a very positive looking roadmap.
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Odd how only Mangled is mentioned and not Haemorrhage, despite most people having an issue with the latter.
Hoping that's because they've realised they're only useful together, are buffing/reworking Mangled and deleting Haemorrhage.
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3 gen solution sounds like assistance casual players will still struggle to make use of but experienced player will use to destroy gens. I would be suprised to see a change that doesnt allow also swf to excell further.
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Can't wait for the Blight add-on buffs.
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I'm so happy they acknowledge feedback.
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3 gen solution is concerning. Its a legit and effective strategy,.especially when the survivors force it upon themselves.
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I think Onryo, Blight add-ons, STBFL, sloppy and UW will be nerfed and everything else will be a buff or a side step.
Also I guess the anti 3 gen thing will be OP in PTB and too weak live and Blight will still be one of the strongest killers.
And ngl I'm disappointed the only survivor perk mentioned is DS and it'll probably just revert the stun to 5 seconds.
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I am really hoping they are not gonna nerf DS once again. Perk is already dead.
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I hope they rework DS so it can’t be used offensively. Because really, that’s what most people wanted to do with DS if the killer wasn’t tunneling, so they wouldn’t “waste” their DS.
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The change comes out in a while so it’s likely a rework, not a straight up nerf like last time.
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Most of what's listed here seems good. STBFL and UW definitely need to be nerfed, though seeing Mangled on the list is a little concerning. I'm fine with them nerfing Sloppy Butcher but I don't think Mangled as a whole is really an issue.
Decisive Strike hopefully gets a little better for anti-tunnel but I don't want it to be significantly stronger for its offensive capabilities. I'm also not really sure why it still has a hard skill check anymore.
Also curious what they have in mind for Huntress, she's about the last killer I would have expected to see on that list.
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HAHAHAHA, twins rework only in spring? Seriously? First you say in QA that twins long-awaited rework is just "number adjustments", then you dont even bother to release it this year? dont get me wrong, DbD is going amazing right now, but tf BHVR, you shouldnt just ignore it.
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My thoughts exactly...
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yeah i hope they dont get billy treatment
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Yeah although a longer stun probably isn't going to be that bad, the real problem of DS was the DS/UB combo players would leverage it offensively and just body block the killer safe in the knowledge they couldn't be picked up or slugged.
I hope we don't return to that because there should never be a mechanics scenario where you have nothing to fear from the killer.
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what are they doing to shadowborn?
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I'm fully ready for DS 50% pick rate. assuming just about everyone gonna be running it. hopefully no more tunneling crying afterwards
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This is NOT GOOD. We saw what you did to billy, Freddy and so on. I have a feeling you're going to nerf Blight charges and blow up his add-ons. You're also gonna blow up sadako and add a bunch of cool downs.
I'm only going off past changes to killer. I could be wrong. Stbfl nerfed, DS 5 seconds AGAIN, mangled nerf, sloppy nerf and so on. Basically a bunch of killer nerfs or changes that don't really buff killer.
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Nah, a few months back she got the flashlight gimmick removed and Survivors can wipe her traps.
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To be fair, we've also seen what was done with Legion, Ghostface, Trickster, Plague, Trapper, etc.
There's been more good killer tweaks than there have been bad ones. Why just highlight Billy and Freddy, both kinda old examples at this point?
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Yet none of those killers are viable at high MMR... Which is why you only see the same 3 killers. I get it, not everyone can be nurse, but Billy has his entire kit made up of mostly meme add-on. Nobody fears legion, he's just annoying. His power can't be used offensively like it used to. Freddy has so many hand holding counters for survivors nobody fears him.
That's all I'm saying here. I've been around a long time. I know how behavior does things for killer.
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This roadmap may as well be called "the survivor's wishlist". Survivors are getting everything they want. 3 gens are going to be gutted, STBFL and ultimate weapon are going to be gutted, mangled as a whole is going to be gutted, and DS is going to be buffed. That's the direction we're going in and it's going to be awful.
But hey, they're giving killers an FoV slider (it only took them 7 some odd years, but hey, better late than never right?) and they might shave a second off the twin's return animation and call that a rework, so hurray. They threw killers the tiniest scrap of bone and called it a day.
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Is there a difference between "Tweaks" and "Updates"?
Does tweaks mean something like a small number changes? Similar to the reduced time to reload as Trickster and Huntress?
And updates meaning something more of a Legion Update kind of deal?
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Freddy be like:
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Awesome, a 3-gen solution after the kick perks were already nerfed to the ground. Now we will forced to tunnel even harder because there is literally no way to stop those gens from progressing. Here comes the 4.4 killer that can patrol huge maps with each gen in different corner...
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No Myers buff or changes?? Oh... man... that hurts bro. *clenches chest in pain*
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None of the changes you just listed are bad.
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Ah yes, us vs them how original
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Pretty much every killer except kinda Trapper is viable at high MMR, but even if they weren't, how's that really relevant to what's being said here?
The claim is that past killer changes have been to dismantle and ruin the affected killer, citing Billy and Freddy as examples. When I point out that many more (and many more recent) changes have been to improve the affected killers, it doesn't really matter how effective those improvements were. They were still improvements and they still weren't the Freddy treatment.
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This list makes me more worried than hopeful.