My opinion on new roadmap

1) Perk Updates

Perk updates scattered in 3 times seem very long and late.

Many people recently have said DS should work as strong anti tunnel tool.

Ultimate Weapon which is a recent perk has been discussed numerous times.

Both having changes in April at fast? I really hope these perks updates don't go until then.

Grim Embrace, one of the healthy designed perks. Likely buff.

Quick Gambit, hopefully buff because this is very situational.

Shadownborn, M&A changes due to Fov Slider. Okay.

Save The Best For Last, most likely to be nerfed. In 6.1.0 patch, successful hit cooldown time had reduced so I expected the perk will get changed eventually but didn't expect to take almost 1 and half years. I hope the change doesn't gut the perk completely because many M1 killers have to rely on this and strong killers don't need it. Wouldn't mind it deactivates during end-game but this will cause killer to lose all potential to secure 1 kill I guess.

Also, more perks should be looked at. I'd pick Hex: Ruin especially.

Maybe Buckleup (combined with For The People), teamwork perks which nobody uses.

I wish the perks which got tweaked heavily in 6.1.0 patch reviewed again.

2) QoL and Gameplay

I am expecting to see auto bloodweb purchase in P0 in April~June.

Faster purchase would also be nice.

Still spending 4~5 minutes to spend 1M BP feels very long and tedious.

Fov slider. Nice. I expected it to be added within this year but okay.

Solution for 3 gen. This will be controversial but here's my opinion.

3 gen basically happens because certain maps (like Saloon, indoor maps and Abattoir etc) are small compared to others and certain generators are very close to each other (RPD central for example). You probably know why killers try to defend wasteland area in Saloon, middle generators in RPD.

Also it happens if survivors don't try to finish 3 gen area generator at all. Likewise happens when killer mainly protects the area with decent ability.

My idea is add 1 additional generator (not the number of gen to repair) and relocate certain maps strong 3 gen area generators spot. (like how Haddonfield had change) If needed, map layout changes should happen.

Too early to expect without developer update I guess.

The only thing I hope is it shouldn't be a braindead patch so that survivors can repair any generators whenever they see without thinking. That's all.

Also, as Deja-Vu got buffed because of bandaid fix for 3 gen, it should be reworked after that.

3) Killer Updates

Sadako? I remember condemened play style was mentioned in today's livestream but does she really need another rework? Wouldn't be surprised she is getting changes because survivors never try to pick up tape and focus on gens instead. Iri Tape and Mother's Comb change can be acceptable but her in rework list is very questionable to be honest.

Billy changes, I am not certain it will 100% be buff but okay. He had harsh treatment back in 2020.

Blight add-on changes, good. Surprised he is not getting basekit changes but I'll see.

Hag will highly be likely to not place trap hooks.

Pig, Clown. No idea but probably buff right?

Demo. I'd be depressed if it's getting M2 fake removed. No idea what tweaks it will get.

Doctor.. Simple tweak isn't enough for him. He should have further rework imo. Using Shock Therapy in correct timing is good but repetitive shock feels very boring.

Twins, I thought they were getting changes in January or February but in April~June? Can't erase to think their rework got delayed very long..

If I can add more killer updates in this roadmap, I'd say Cenobite (Original Pain add-on only) and Freddy. Freddy is pure boredom at this moment and Original Pain is a very problematic add-on which enables straightup tunnel after unhook while never getting addressed.

I know few killers will be changed in a single patch but Twins being delayed, Freddy not even on list is a bit disappointing.

4) Mangled

As healing speed didn't get nerfed to 24 seconds, I didn't expect it will be changing.

But I wouldn't mind if Mangled lasting duration gets reverted. (and added in current Sloppy Butcher)

Uncertain if the 25% slower speed will be nerfed but hopefully not.

Because there are many survivor perks that help alleviating Mangled penalty (Botnay Knowledge 50%, Desperate Measures 14~56%, We'll Make It/Boon:CoH 100%, even Autodidact) and nerfing the number of Mangled might lead to possibility of nerfing those perks too.

Overall, some changes look questionable and worrysome but excited to see many changes until 8th anniversary.

Even if they take a long time to be updated.


  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,778

    I'm quite worried about the Sadako changes. I'm not entirely okay with current Sadako's oppressive condemned strategies currently, running her as a chase/hit and run style right now with condemned being a side objective for slowdown, and if they're planning to 'bring her back to how she used to be' then it's back to the tapes being a joke and survivors ignoring condemned completely while condemned slug starts gaining more traction. Or worse, she gets a huge nerf and ends up like Freddy.

    I was good with old Sadako, even better with the new one, and I can still remember how weak old Sadako was compared to other M1 killers. I don't really like current Sadako's image of being an overpowered pub stomper or how players tend to tunnel one out with condemned and I do think she can be tweaked further, but bringing her back to her old version would make her an absolute joke again outside specific playstyles and condemned slugging. And even if they fix slugging on her, then she'll just be weaker.

    I'm hoping at the very least condemned will be a present threat and tapes are more necessary to use as they are now, just not as useless and easily ignored as pre-rework Sadako. I do like that her kit now has a threat attached and requires thought on the survivor's part. It makes it more engaging when I go against her and feels like a useful tool when I play as her. Even if I agree with the issues her kit has, I don't agree her old design was any good and required the buffs she got. That said, I'll still play her regardless, just hoping she isn't gutted.