Player cards are a big disappointment… [7.4.0 Feedback]

OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don’t understand why BHVR would launch this feature in its current state. There is a grand total of 1 customisation option, that you can only get by purchasing paid cosmetics for a paid DLC character…

BHVR announced this feature months ago and hyped it up on their Chucky livestream yesterday only for it to launch incredibly barebones.

There should’ve at least been a few player cards available for free. How hard would it be to just recolour a generic image of a campfire or something?

I cannot understand how BHVR continues to fumble the simple things.

This feature feels unfinished, and pushing it to live just puts a damper on what was otherwise a great Chapter launch.

Post edited by OnryosTapeRentals on


  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Shouldnt be too surprising. Even with new characters, they leave them to rot in the skin departments when it comes to variety.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I think prestige should be shown.

    Why? Because if they chose to make prestige invisible in the lobby, the tally screen is the only place where others can see it. And many players like to brag about what they have. Removing that would remove the reason to spend BP in the first place after you unlocked everything.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I mean honestly BHVR made it clear from the beginning that P100 would bring no reward so people wouldn't feel like they had to spend this many BPs. People who decided to farm P100 knowing they would get nothing only to complain about getting nothing are weird ngl.

    The reason to keep spending BPs is to unlock items / add-ons and offerings, bragging rights could still exist through the player card for example.

  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 390

    P100s have no reason to exist at all and the rework of the prestige system has no meaning/is a mistake. also BHVR did not say from the beginning that P100 would bring no reward, it was a recent "post" from them to confirm it. So people kinda have the right to complain for it tbh.

    Also if the reason to keep spending BPs was really only to unlock items, that would really confirm that the prestige rework was a failure and it would demonstrate how much better was to get to P3-50 only to have immediately the "best" bloodweb to farm high rarity items, without it resetting to lvl - 1.

    the new Prestige system was clearly made to give people something to brag about and i think that PROBABLY BHVR had in mind a p100 reward in the beginning, when they were still thinking of the prestige rework, and probably got scrapped because it required too much work (probably a skin?)

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 278

    Yeah kinda disappointing. I thought we'd be able to click on other players profiles like how you can click on your own, but that doesn't seem to be the case. And there aren't like a least a couple of default options to choose from, right now you get nothing unless you buy a chucky cosmetic.

  • FizzyWizze
    FizzyWizze Member Posts: 20

    What bragging rights? Congrats, you just waisted all those hours of grinding and spending bloodpoints to reach P100! Here's an imaginary gold star! It's super stupid that there are no rewards for reaching P100 considering how long it takes to reach max prestige for just one character. Theyre using FOMO as an excuse to not give a reward, even though they've done plenty of FOMO related things (Legacy Outfits, Legacy portraits, AOT skins and Event Skins, there's probably more I missed but these are what I remember off the top of my head)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    This is exactly what I wanted to say as well.

    I understand they do not want to do whole sets, but at least something like the void effect

    Or a character specific void bannerwould be cool. At least something.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611
    edited November 2023

    I don't see the point of bragging rights either, but again I don't understand why would anyone P100 a character knowing there's no reward for it and then throw a fit because they didn't get anything. Like, how is that BHVR's fault lol

    Discussion about the new system being better or not aside, BHVR said from the beginning what rewards there was for what prestige and there was none for P100, I'm also 95% sure they said very early on that no reward was planned for the future either because people were already complaining.

    Maybe that's an unpopular opinion but I absolutely stand by the fact that people who willingly put that much BPs in a character only to get a reward they already knew didn't exist and then complaining about it is ridiculous.

    If BHVR changes their mind and gives P100 something then good, but P100ing a character because of a (so far) non-existent reward is silly.

  • FizzyWizze
    FizzyWizze Member Posts: 20

    You're missing the point of my post. They said that the only reason why they are not giving rewards when a player max prestiges a character is because they don't want players to feel they are missing out on something cool if they haven't had one of their characters reach P100. Yet they have done plenty of FOMO things that completely contradicts their reasoning as to why there aren't any rewards for max prestige a character. I wouldn't care as much, and others would probably feel the same way, about not having a reward if they haven't already done FOMO related things to the game lol.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I mean yeah BHVR backtracked on their FOMO stance when they started time limited cosmetics, which was after P100 was implemented. I dislike it and haven't bought any cosmetics since, but it'd be weird to complain about FOMO while asking for an essentially FOMO reward tbh.

    (And it's not surprising BHVR doesn't backtrack on the P100 FOMO thing when they don't seem to want to admit the "seasonal" cosmetics are FOMO because they eventually come back)

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    Could we please get banners and avatars for "past content"? Some examples:

    • Naughty bear pfp/banner if we own this skin
    • Resident Evil pfp/banner if own RE stuff - e.g. Chris pfp/banner if we bought his legendary skin
    • Attack on Titan pfp/banner if we own some skins
  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    But there are still cosmetics (mainly old rift single pieces, deep rift and prime gaming) which will (probably) never come to the store.

    I also did not care about P100 Rewards before for the exact reason the Devs mentioned, but their hypocritical approach is what made me change my mind. Either use FOMO and go with it or don't. Not half and half.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    That's fair tbh. I think it's possible P100 will get a banner / icon or something in the future, but I have 0 hope of getting cosmetics.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Thank you so much for the confirmation :) I was worried I'd have to wait for my fav characters to be featured in tomes / events to get them

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Thank you a lot. It's just sad that they weren't available on release.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Then I would have to wait for an eternity as Jeff is very unpopular, licensed characters are never sure to get anything and Legendaries are almost never getting anything additional.

  • FizzyWizze
    FizzyWizze Member Posts: 20

    While I'm very happy about this, it's still very lame that there's next to nothing available for people to customize their cards with. Unless people bought the Chucky chapter, there just aren't any customization options available. Will there at least be any default icons and banners released prior to 2024, not including the event icons and banners that will be available next month?

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,010

    If you're doing more Twitch drops then I hope you update them to work on Switch. Because I'd like to remind everyone that the Halloween Twitch drops were completely unavailable for Switch players to earn.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Oh yea.....welp. Thats sucks. Cause as a switch player myself, they definitely gonna forget about us again and keep it moving. so used to that. Its pretty sad.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,756
  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    Gonna keep saying it like many others: I was hyped. I like customization in games or otherwise online, and it was such a weird choice to release it this way. Even the fact you get a Chucky icon/banner for Tiffany was disappointing -- I'd much rather have Tiffany. It's why I bought Tiffany, because I would prefer to play as her. Then we could have had 2 options as well, but nope.

    They should have had this ready to roll out with some variety, or just waited. No one that I saw was complaining about it taking too long, but there are mass complaints about how poorly implemented it's been. I will say I think they did a great job on the recent events and things though.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    The way switch players are 2nd class citizens to the general public. Labor of Love everybody!