Pig Rework Idea
Power Tweaking and Additional Special Abilities:
Jigsaw's Baptism:
The Pig starts the trial with 4 Syringes and 4 Inactive Reverse Bear Traps.
While standing over a Survivor in the Dying State, press the active ability button to place an Inactive Reverse Bear Trap on a the survivor.
Reverse Bear Traps become Active when a Generator is completed, or when the endgame collapse starts.
Survivors can only free themselves from an Active Reverse Bear Trap by searching a Jigsaw Box for the correct Key.
Active Reverse Bear Trap:
When Reverse Beartraps become Active, they initiate a countdown timer. A Survivor with an active Reverse Bear Trap is automatically sacrificed when their timer expires or they attempt to leave the trial with the Active Reverse Bear Trap still attached.
Special Ability: Crouch
Press the active ability button to Crouch. While Crouching, The Pig moves at a moderately slower speed, but will move at a slightly slower speed after 5 seconds of uninterrupted crouching. The Pig is granted the Undetectable status effect while Crouched.
Special Attack: Ambush
Press and hold the attack button while Crouched to Dash and perform an Ambush Attack to injure a survivor by one health state.
Special Ability: Needle-Stick Ambush
Press and hold the secondary ability button while crouched to instead perform a Needle-Stick Ambush on a survivor. Successfully hitting a survivor will result in the Pig injecting the survivor with a Syringe, causing the survivor to become Drugged for 45 seconds.
A successful Needle-Stick Ambush removes 1 Syringe for the rest of the trial.
Special Ailment: Drugged
Survivors that have been Drugged will have a distorted view, a significantly slower turn rate, cannot perform rushed vaults, and be unable to wiggle while being carried by The Pig.
Drugged cannot wear off while a Survivor is in the Dying State or on a Sacrificial Hook.
I like the change to the crouch however I don't think slapping a status effect on the dash is a good idea... Besides that point that the blurry vision might induce motion sickness or what not.
I think the way to go is just to make the dash stronger.
I saw a post some time ago where the dash gets stronger if you have been crouched for some time before using it.
That would be one way.
The other thing I thought about is basically having a standing ambush that has its current strength and modifying the crouched ambush with a multi-plyer of like 1.5x or so... This allows you to use the standing dash if the m1 attack just wont reach and makes the crouched ambush more viable around safer tiles.
This gives pig more strength but also increasing her skill ceiling, which is basically always a good thing if a character gets more depth.
My problem with slapping status effects on special attacks is that it makes the character stronger without giving the player something to do or learn about it, sure you have a form of Ressource management there, but that's all, it does not make the dash more viable around certain tiles or means you have to learn how and where to use it now.
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I would want the ability to hide in a locker in undetectable for her and then ambush out of it.
I think it would fit her well and add a cool new ability to her.
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That would be pretty badass, and Movie related!
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I don't really get what you mean by the idea that "slapping a status effect blah" would have to do with a skill ceiling since you still have to make the hit and you have limited uses. I think her speed is fine, otherwise you just get Chucky or Blight, and why would you Pick between those characters if Pig does what they do but worse? You make adjustments and give her something that could give an interesting effect.
Also, Plague, Clown, Legion, Doctor, Nemesis, and more all effect screens of survivors in many ways, so I think if people with Motion Sickness or pee-baby syndrome are playing the game then they can handle it.
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If you just give her power a status effect on use you don't really give the player much more to learn, I think addons should increase possibilities of how to use the power, with this change however your dash does not become more versatile, it just adds an effect, which I just find really boring. Besides the point that the status effect is really strong... No rushed actions? Does this include medium vaults? So you basically slow vault everything... Great, easy 2nd hit... Sounds like a terrible status effect.
Sure you need to manage the Ressource, but the problem with pigs dash is that you cannot use it that frequently because it is way too weak and situational, so this does not get solved by that change.
I find it kind of sad that Pigs dash is so weak compared to what other killers can do, which is why I wanted to make it stronger.
Sure other killers have similar effects, however they are still annoying to look at and don't really do much to make the killer more fun to play or play against...
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Besides that you can still kind of spam the needle rush because the vile only gets used on a successfully hit, so it is not even a risk reward kind of thing where you would need to be careful to only use it on hits you will most likely get to not waste your limited resource.
So basically all you need to think about is do you want a fast 2nd hit on the guy or not.
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Doesn‘t Clown already have something that makes your vision blurry and wouldn‘t that be the same, because you said it could give you motion sickness.
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I would like that the traps get active, when the endgame collapse starts.
I wouldn‘t like a weaker crouch.
To needle stick ambush I have no real opinion, I think more abilities and a new status effect would also be nice.
Her ambush should be made better, faster to start, more movement speed and longer. Right now the survivor gets too much distance when you roar, that it isn‘t really worth it to use it. Instead just m1.
I want perks to interact with the box skill checks, it would be so nice.
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Probably and there are already people complaining about getting dizzy from it... And besides that I don't think it is a good mechanic regardless, because it does not really help you in chase that much, experienced survivors don't get bothered by it...
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Another post I think, described different challenges for the boxes, that would be nice, a little bit more variety in the mini games...
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Yes that would also be cool