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Hex Totem Rework

Nidak82 Member Posts: 12

All of us Killer Main's know how painful it is to have a Hex Totem disappear about 30 seconds into the trial or 30 seconds after the Exit Gates get powered (if you run NOED). I run Hex Ruin on every single killer that I use for the pure fact that generators get done so fast that I need this perk to slow progression just a little. I think Ruin is balanced perfectly, I just think that Hex Totems need a rework. Why are there no Hex Totems in the basement? Why are there no Hex Totems on the outside layer of the map? I think that maybe putting a location in the basement and putting 2-3 locations around the outside of the map could have some great benefits. The goal of the perk is to slow the game down, and if the Hex totem is located on the edge of the map or in the basement maybe that would make many Killer's satisfied! Tell me what you think?


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    Also, make the totem not to spawn at the opposite of the map of where you spawn as a killer, simply because it makes it to usually spawn in a survivor spawn area, which leads to it being broken under 30s in the match. Sometimes before you can even reach it.

  • DasMurich
    DasMurich Member Posts: 67
    I think part of the issue is they stand out like a sore thumb. Too easy to spot. 
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    I can’t tell you how many times as a survivor that I spawn in, the camera rotates and reveals a hex within 2 feet of me. I LOVE the idea of a hex totem in the basement, adds potential to the Huntress’ territorial imperative perk that allows you to see when people enter the basement from far away
  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    I heard about an I dea that the killer decided where the totems go, I thought about a mini-map with the select 5 totems spawn for that match and you get to select each of your specific hex perks to each individual location, that could allow for less pain, maybe
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Yes to a totem in the basement (have it spawn whichever corner the chest doesn’t). Also maybe hex totems don’t light up to show they’re hex totems until they are actually active? 

    Perk Name - What Lights It Up:
    Devour Hope - First Token
    Huntress Lullaby - First Skill Check after First Hook
    No One Escapes Death - Unchanged (lights up when all generators powered)
    Ruin - First ruin skill check
    Third Seal - First Injured/Knocked Down Survivor
    Thrill of the Hunt - Survivor Starts Cleansing a Totem 

    So basically every time you receive the buff/icon notification is when the totem actually lights up and becomes a hex totem with the exception being NOED because the killer still receives a speed/attack swing boost even if they don’t knock someone down. 
  • DasMurich
    DasMurich Member Posts: 67
    Why not a perk that stacks a wonderfully detrimental effect against the survivors for every totem they dismantle? If you're using a Hex based build they'd have to choose between leaving them alone or removing them. 
  • Wizard_master
    Wizard_master Member Posts: 7

    I find running thanatophobia hex run an dover charge and overwhelming presents make sit very hard for them to get gens ton

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    I wouldn't mind them altering the overall Hex totem system all together.

    Placement as it stands now is indeed a problem. (Although, they say they have been fiddling with this.)

    What I suggest, is on entering a trial no totems spawn.

    After a killer has hit a survivor once, (they have acquired their essence if you will) they can then "build"/place a totem down.(of course there will be rules about placement...but so far, so good.

    Upon building a totem and placing it....it is linked to the survivors essence and that survivor is hexed/cursed. (multiple totems do not increase the effect, but prolong until all linked totems are broken. Their will be a cap of allowed linked totems.)

    The standard curse without perk involvement would be something like, reduce movement speed or action speed....or apply in some weird way perhaps. (like causing an hallucination of a completely different killer appearing, or things get odd and surreal. The walls having faces in them....voices of random things being heard...your survivor suddenly looking hurt but is completely fine. Insanity effects that make the survivor and player question reality.) Like a real hex would function.

    New offerings could be added to allow "Dull totems/Dummy totems to be placed in the map ahead of time. 2/3/4 perhaps. They look the same as the other totems, but they don't affect/remove curses.

    A new killer perk could be added that allows you to hide/camouflage a certain number of hex totems as Dull totems and possibly cause exhaustion or aura blindness for a limited time.(being it takes force of will and stamina to push back the "shroud of despair" that has concealed the hex totem.

    A new Item could be added called something like "Holy/glowy pendant". Without which, Totems can't be broken at their normal speed....or at all possibly. What do most survivors know about magic and dispelling evil anyway? The pendant would be an easy catalyst to generating hope and breaking the curses of the entity's "Forced Soldiers."

    A new survivor perk could be added that increases cleansing speed(since now there is a chance for approx. 12-15 totems on a map at any one time.) and at tier 3 could be better at dispelling the shroud of despair. This one I would call "hidden hope".

    It's not a finished idea...but I think it has potential.