Flicks Need to be Removed or Added to Console

Every time a new killer is released if there is any sort of turn rate limit Mouse and Keyboard always figure out some sort of flick that allows them to go over the limit that is set. Meanwhile, on Console, you will always be limited by these restrictions and will not be able to pull off as many techs or flicks as a Mouse and keyboard player can.
I want the skill floor to be evened out. That way either both Mouse & Keyboard are restricted by the turn rate or they both are no longer restricted and are allowed to have even more skill expression in their killers.
That leaves us with two options
- Make it so that Mouse and Keyboard can't do crazy flicks that allow them to go over the restricted turn rate. This in turn would remove certain aspects of skill on Mouse and Key board and even the playing field with Console.
- Lessen the restriction on turn rate for both Mouse and Keyboard so they can both do what would be a flick but is no longer a flick because its base kit added a feature to the game. This would even out the skill floor for both Mouse and Keyboard and Console to where they can both achieve the same stuff.
This leaves you with two questions
Should we restrict the skill expression for both sides and make a new skill ceiling? That is lower than the current on Mouse and Keyboard and has what is the intended fair gameplay.
Should we make it so more people can pull off these flicks as base kit without having to do flicks and make very difficult powers to counter as survivors?
Either let console players have more turn rate allowed or restrict mouse and keyboard from being able to do flicks because flicks allow mouse and keyboard to go past the limit that is put in place.
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I kind of wish BHVR would be more clear on what techs are bugs and what techs are just part of the killer's skill expression.
People are still debating Blight's hug-tech now. I'm sure BHVR has had enough time to decide if it should stay or not. Some communication from them would help quell some of the constant debate over these things.
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It's an undeniable fact that Mouse and Keyboard have fewer restrictions because of flicks. I want to pull off the same thing as Mouse and Keyboard on my console because I don't own any other platform not to mention that cross-progression doesn't exist. Simple changes such as letting Oni do 180 flicks base kit would allow an even skill floor. Same thing with the most recent release letting Chucky have a higher turn rate will let console players pull off the same tricks.
BHVR needs to distinguish if these tricks should be allowed in the game and made so console players can do them, or BHVR needs to stand the ground of having restrictions in the game and making sure that it apply to all platforms and not just Console.
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I wonder if BHVR could increase the sensitivity for console to even it out? I have no idea if that's possible as I'm not a scientist.
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I would definetly rather let console do it.
I mean, they won't be able to do it, because it's way harder with controller and they would lose any accuracy, but at least make it possible.
Flicks are not easy, but it is fun thing to do and it increases skill ceiling on any killer that has them. It also makes those killer more interesting compare to regular killers, just because you can learn something most players can't do and show off.
I don't think it would be a good thing to remove that from everyone.
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Like three or so years back they did exactly that, and put in a slider that when maxed doubled the controller sensitivity. Dunno if that was the max that could be done.
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Here's hoping they can stretch it out a bit further.
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So first of all you constantly talk about skill floor, except for the last paragraph, but you mean skill ceiling right? Second you will always be at a disadvantage on console because the controller sticks will never be as precises as mouse and keyboard. The question is, if this was implemented how easy or hard would it be to pull off?
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M&K does not “allow us to go over the limit”. I just have more customization for my DPI than you do your sensitivity. I can hit the turn limit easier than you can, but I cannot surpass it.
I’m not saying m&k doesn't have an advantage, but not in the sense you are saying.
For instance, you can flick on blight just as I can, you probably just don’t know the proper technique to allow the maximum angle.