Dear BHVR, Please don't release Killer Only Chapters
Releasing a Killer Only chapter (like Chucky) really messes with Killer/Survivor que times balance.
I literally have to wait 5-7 min to play as my usual killer. Whereas with killer+survivor chapters (last being Alien), everyone wanted to try new killer and survivor so it balances itself out.
The Queue will normalize in weeks. How about bHVR releases new content as they please? Loads of people wanted this Killer.
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Next mid-chapter there will be a survivor only release. Then you will most likely have amazing qtimes.
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Having to wait for weeks for Queue to normalize just proves my point. Also the same is true for survivor only releases, but less noticeable cause of 4:1
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I’d like a permanent daily bonus for each first match, once as survivor and once as killer since that’d incentive playing each role each day.
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There is one, you get 300 bonus XP for the first match for each role you play, per day.
Though, personally, I think this bonus should be bigger.
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BHVR already saw this effect after Ghostface chapter iirc and even stated they don’t want to release one-sided chapters anymore because of this effect.
imo, it doesn’t even require always a survivor character counterpart - but give something interesting and worthwhile for the survivor side. New general perks, new survivor items/addons, or at least a map to explore or some significant perk adjustments..
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I'm happy with a killer-only chapter. It means I always have the BP bonus on survivor and can play it as much as I want, with quick queue times.