Tome Challenge decisive light

So there is this new challenge on Tome 17 Level 4 "Decisive light" which requires you to blind the killer twice while carrying a survivor in the same game. Is there any chance we could change this into one time or not in one game? I tried it in 6 matches now and I didn't even get a single one. I am never using flashlights bc I am pretty bad with them. Doesn't work with flashbangs for me either bc I can't handle them at all. Normally I would ignore the challenge but there is a tome entry locked behind it.
I would appreciate a change. Thank you.
I heard that you still get progress if you blind the killer while he's hooking someone. haven't tried it myself but you might give this a go as this would make it much easier to finish the challenge.
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blind him during his ´´hooking´´ animation
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I will def. try this. Thanks a lot :D
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Thanks :D
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If you wanna have fun with it, just try to play with Background player and Flashbang